5 Habits Before Going To Sleep For A Better Quality Of Life

If we read before going to bed, we will be able to relieve our stress, relax and fall asleep more easily. We need to stop using all of our electronic devices long before we go to bed.

It is not about professional but personal success, it is about gaining quality of life. Following these simple habits helps us have a fuller life, in which we enjoy the important things. We will describe them to you in this article.

1. How many hours do you need to rest and wake up well?

It may sound like a simple question. But there is a clear reason to take into account: you have surely heard many times that people need to get 8 hours of sleep at night in order to get good rest.

But the reality is that we are not all the same, we do not all have the same needs. There are those who need 6 hours and those who need 9 hours. Hence the average established at 8.

But only you can tell how long it takes to wake up feeling fit and with renewed energy. Therefore, the first key is organization.

Do you need 7 hours? Awesome. So, organize your bedtime. 22h? 23h?

There is another fact to take into account. Various studies tell us that it is not good to get up quickly, for example putting the alarm clock at 7 a.m. to leave the house at 7:30 a.m. The ideal would be to be able to have breakfast in peace, to shower and to leave the house relaxed.

And don’t forget that staying up is another way to make the most of the day. 

2. Read before sleep for quality sleepquality

You probably already do. If so, we have to tell you that reading before sleep is very healthy, there are several studies that tell us that reading for at least 15 minutes before going to sleep is successful in relieving stress.

Because it relaxes us, reduces anxiety and allows us to fall asleep quickly. But bear in mind one thing: it is not good to read on the computer or on the phone, or even on the tablet. The light from these devices awakens us instead of relaxing.

How about a normal book?

3. A walk?

Do you have the possibility to take a short walk around your home? Is it well lit and you feel safe? So, this is excellent and if you are accompanied by someone, it is even better.

A 10 or 15 minute walk helps us get oxygenated, relax, see things from a distance, and feel much better. These are moments that, soon after, will relax you and allow you to be more creative or have more ideas, like successful people like Bill Gates, who often do.

You will find that it will do you good to walk a bit before going to bed.

4. Enjoy more with family and friends

It is the engine of our lives, the real energy that really drives our happiness. Having this quality time with them before going to bed is vital: a dinner with friends, a game with your children, a shower with your partner …

It does not ask you much and will do you a lot of good. It is as important as breathing, without a doubt. Quality of life and happiness.

5. View the next day


What good is it for us to plan for the next day before we go to bed? This allows you to set goals, to know in detail what you want to do or not do, what you want to achieve and what you do not want to allow.

It is a way of remembering who we are and what our intentions are for ourselves. Visualizing the next day is a common strategy for successful people, but be careful, be realistic, this isn’t about getting big.

Remember that real happiness is found in the little things, and sometimes as simple as “saying no to that co-worker you can’t stand and who offers a date, and going to the park with your child. ”. It is always a good strategy. How about putting it into practice?

To conclude, these rules, beyond being successful, serve us to enjoy our days more, remembering that everything we do before sleeping can influence our health.

So, remember first of all that your dinners should be light, that you should have dinner two hours before going to sleep.

May quality moments of intimacy with family and friends enrich our emotions, that going for a walk relaxes, that a hot bath also relaxes and that reading for a few minutes also enrich you and reduce tensions and problems.

Sometimes the key to happiness is as simple as what you find in these tips. You are ready ? Excellent! 

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