I’m Tired Of Being Tired: 7 Techniques To Have More Energy

Knowing our limits and being able to say them.

Sometimes we reach our own limits and find ourselves in a state of utter exhaustion. This is when we can get tired of always being tired.

It may sound ironic, even hard to believe, but the feeling goes far beyond mere physical fatigue.

We are talking here about a mental state which plunges the person who suffers from it in a feeling of permanent vulnerability. She finds herself without resources and frustrated at not being able to accomplish her daily goals.

Few situations are as tiring as the one where we get angry with ourselves because we can’t keep up, because we can’t do what others expect of us and because we are unable to keep up. ” achieve physical and emotional well-being, the only one able to take us to happiness.

In the rest of this article, we will tell you about this common situation, giving you various techniques to help you deal with it.

1. You neglect yourself too much: start by refocusing on yourself

Sometimes we totally forget that the body and the mind are the two components of the human being, not of a robot that runs on fossil fuels.

  • Your body needs to rest. If you give yourself a few hours a day of relaxation, or a few days a week, that doesn’t mean you have to neglect your work or family obligations.
  • If you focus only on making others happy, always doing more than you are asked to do, and focusing all of your attention on others, you will end up paying for it.
  • Nourishing your body and mind with moments of solitude, leisure and well-being is synonymous with good health.

Think about all of these things and come to the one obvious conclusion: put yourself first.

2. Focus on what you can control

It has to be admitted that we are all very obsessed with all the things over which we have no control, no control.

  • We would like people around us to say what we want to hear.
  • We would like those who share our life to act the way we hope.
  • Sometimes we also make the following mistake: investing our time and energy in lost causes.
    • We do everything we can to get that friend or brother, for example, to change their attitude, state of mind or behavior, so that they are happier.
    • However, if he does not put his own, our words alone will never allow him to achieve it.

We need to focus exclusively on things that are within our grasp, on what we can control and which can produce clear results.

If we do the reverse, we’re just going to want to bang our heads against the walls and waste our precious time trying to fight lost fights.

3. Control your expectations

If I do this, I will get something ”. “ Everything will go as planned if such and such a person grants me this favor ”. “ If I achieve this goal, I will be able to be happy ”.

  • Setting goals for ourselves is a great way to move forward in life. However, we must be careful not to have exaggerated expectations whose success does not depend on us.
  • If we fail to be reasonable, many of our desires will crash against the wall of our illusions.
  • The feeling of failure will tire us afterwards and kill all our hopes.

We must therefore learn to set reasonable goals that are perfectly suited to our reality.

4. Listen to your mind

The main and primary purpose of our minds and brains is to protect us.

  • If you keep feeling tired all the time, it’s because of the physical or emotional imbalance that your body and mind need to pay attention to.
  • We must not forget that pain and suffering are symptoms triggered by our brain to warn us that something is wrong and that we need to fix it.

If you don’t listen to your mind, if you don’t pay attention to your tired body, your exhaustion will only get worse and you will find yourself in a state of absolute vulnerability.

5. Take Yourself Seriously Just Once

You are a person who has achieved many things. Who has been able to face, more than once, obstacles and an extremely determined adversity.

You have admirable qualities, strengths which have enabled you to achieve great results. Have you therefore forgotten all that you are worth? Everything you have achieved and achieved?

  • So take yourself seriously, value yourself.
  • Also give yourself some rest if you are tired.
  • Also, give yourself a moment of peace if you are concerned.
  • Calm down if you’re offended.
  • Free yourself from some people if others demand too much of you.
  • Meet again and be reconciled with your self, with your emotions and your identity if you have forgotten all of your worth.

6. Follow strategies to have more energy when you are tired.to be tired

  • Learn to say no and you will discover something great: the world just keeps spinning!
  • Raise your head and take a step forward.
  • Listen to some music.
  • Create a vision of what you would like to be in a year. Start working around this idea every day.
  • Tell others: “ Today I am not here for anyone ”. It is not a crime, but a saving gesture.
  • Forgive yourself for your biggest mistakes.
  • Surround yourself with people who make you smile.
  • Meet new people.
  • Stop sharing your time with people who steal your calm, energy, and state of mind.
  • Read books that show you other realities, that offer you strategies to improve yourself.
  • Give yourself time to be at peace, to be alone for a few moments.

7. Live in the moment

Living in the present moment implies knowing how to listen to your body to give it what it needs at all times.

  • If you need to rest because you feel tired, obey your needs: rest. It’s as simple as that.
  • Living in a conscious way, being receptive to what surrounds us and what our hearts tell us, is essential for being healthy, physical and emotional, on a daily basis.

Don’t hesitate to put these tips into practice. Sometimes the smallest changes work best.

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