Incontinent Bladder: 10 Natural Treatments

Being overweight can reduce the elasticity of the muscles of the bladder, causing urinary incontinence. There are pelvic exercises that strengthen these muscles.

An incontinent bladder can put us in very embarrassing situations, especially considering that a simple cough, sneeze, laughter or sudden movement can cause urine to leak.

If you have difficulty holding back when the urge to urinate presses you, you may have urinary incontinence.

The good news is that there are natural remedies like the following natural treatments for an incontinent bladder!

1. Establish fluid ingestion control

In the same way that we write down all the foods that we eat during a diet, in this case, you should make a list of the drinks that you consume each day.

This will give you a concrete idea of ​​what you are used to drinking, when you drink (i.e. before sleeping, etc.), and what drinks are causing you problems (for example, coffee or soda).

2. Gosha-jinki-gan against the incontinent bladder

Some important studies in Japan have established a relationship between gosha-jinki-gan, an herbal remedy, and a decrease in the frequency of urination, bladder contractions and nighttime urination, in men like in women.

3. Train the bladder

Painful urination goes hand in hand with an incontinent bladder.

Bladder training is the most indicated non-medical treatment for an incontinent bladder. This is to train your bladder to hold urine longer before going to the toilet.

4. The buchu plant

The buchu plant is an herbal remedy widely used in South Africa to cure bladder infections and kidney infections. 

It has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and diuretic properties which purify and heal the urinary system.

5. Absorbent diapers

This is not a treatment, but a temporary solution. Until you learn how to control the urge to urinate, you can use absorbent diapers worn in your underwear to catch and absorb accidental leaks.

6. The heart of a wild palm tree

Scientific studies have linked the anti-inflammatory properties of wild palm heart ( Serenoa repens ) to decreased urge to urinate, especially in men who have an enlarged prostate.

7. Pelvic floor exercises

They are also known as Kegel exercises; these pelvic floor exercises are designed to strengthen the muscles that control urination and urination .

8. Vitamin C

Vitamin C helps fight the problem of incontinent bladder.

The supplements  vitamin C are recommended for their ability to fight oxidative stress that can irritate the nerves surrounding the bladder, which can lead to incontinence of urine.

9. Lose weight

Obesity is bad for the joints as they have to bear excess weight, and in the same way, it reduces the elasticity of the sphincter of the bladder and can cause urinary incontinence. Losing Weight Helps Minimize These Ailments!

10. Quercetin

Often recommended by naturopathic physicians, quercetin is a natural anti-inflammatory drug that helps reduce the urge to urinate with an incontinent bladder.

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