5 Tips To Increase Muscle Mass And Burn Fat

Although it seems secondary, sleeping well is fundamental in order to promote the recovery and regeneration of muscle microfibers that break during sports training . 

Until a few years ago, losing weight went hand in hand with adopting a specific diet and exercising to burn fat. Here are some tips for increasing muscle mass while burning fat?

For a very long time, low calorie diets and aerobic exercise were the key words to fight overweight.

Although these techniques are still an option for weight loss, today many people prefer to build muscle mass.

These exercises not only slim the figure, but also strengthen the muscles and increase physical resistance.

However, it is a long and difficult process that requires a lot of effort as well as consistency.

Although some of us, thanks to favorable genetics, achieve results easily, it is usually necessary to change our lifestyle to achieve our goal.

In this article, you will discover 5 essential tips so that your attempt does not end in failure. 

Put them into practice!

1. Do aerobic and anaerobic exercise

Exercises to increase muscle mass.

The combination of aerobic exercise and anaerobic exercise significantly contributes to increasing lean body mass and burning fat.

  • Aerobic exercises are long, low to medium intensity exercises  that aim to burn fat effectively.
  • Anaerobic exercises are short, intense exercises that aim to work the muscles.
  • When the workout is  finished, these two types of exercises will continue to work. Fat continues to burn for up to 24 hours after performing these exercises.
  • The result of this combination is, without a doubt, a more slender and toned silhouette.

Some recommendations 

  • A cardio session should not exceed 20 minutes, so as not to suffer from the effects of physical overtraining.
  • Anaerobic exercises should take into account the physical capacity of the person. The increase in muscle mass is achieved in phases, so there is no need to rush.
  • Lifting weights without being strong enough can cause injury and lead to failure.

2. Increase your protein intake

Diets that aim to increase muscle mass contain many essential nutrients. However, it is important to stress the importance of protein. Due to their role in the process of building and strengthening muscles.

  • Proteins provide amino acids, which help stimulate muscle building processes.
  • Consuming protein after training helps regenerate broken muscle microfibers.
  • Proteins are an important source of energy. In addition, they  help to maintain a good sports performance.

Some recommendations

Although there is a lot of protein in the form of dietary supplements, it is best to consume it through foods such as :

  • Fish and seafood
  • Beef
  • Pork meat
  • Seeds and dried fruits
  • Vegetables
  • Eggs

3. Consume carbohydrates to increase muscle mass

Carbohydrates to increase muscle mass.

When the goal is to burn fat, many people doubt the usefulness of consuming carbohydrates. For years, they had a bad reputation and were excluded from many diets.

Contrary to what many people think, carbohydrates are necessary. As much to lose weight as to increase muscle mass.

It is important to know how to choose carbohydrates which, in addition to providing energy to the body, support the metabolism and the penetration of proteins into the muscle cell.

Some recommendations 

Completely avoid carbohydrates that come from refined foods. Instead, eat the following foods:

  • Oats
  • Rice
  • Whole wheat bread
  • Wholemeal pasta
  • Potatoes
  • Quinoa
  • Legumes

4. Sleep well

Poor quality of sleep can negatively interfere with  the recovery and regeneration process of muscle microfibers that break down during training.

Therefore, in order to maintain good muscle and metabolic health, it is necessary to adhere to the hours of sleep.

Some recommendations

  • Get 7-8 hours of non-stop sleep a day, regardless of your workout schedule.
  • Eat light dinner: consume few calories before going to sleep.

5. Eat 5 times a day

Eat 5 times a day to increase muscle mass.

Both to burn fat and to increase muscle mass, it is recommended to eat 5 times a day in a moderate way, rather than eating 3 hearty main courses.

This helps improve the activity of metabolism. And to maintain a constant energy expenditure which reduces the tendency to accumulate fat.

Some recommendations 

  • Eat 5 healthy meals a day in small portions while paying attention to calories.
  • Consume fruits, vegetables and dried fruits when you feel like a snack.

Are you planning to increase muscle mass? Remember that in order to get results you need to design a plan that also allows you to burn the fat accumulated in the body.

Therefore, follow all given recommendations. If possible, seek the services of a personal trainer to get a training plan tailored to your abilities and needs.

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