Causes Of Chronic Lower Back Pain And Solutions To Remedy Them

Even though we often associate them with poor posture, lower back pain can appear for other reasons, which must be taken into account in order to bring relief. solution before they get worse.

Chronic lower back pain is common in both men and women, and affects all ages, even the youngest. This problem affects the quality of life because it affects many of their daily activities.

Find out in this article what are the different causes of chronic lower back pain. As well as the treatments and natural remedies that treat each case.

Where are the lower back?

The lumbar area is the lowest part of the back. It includes the fringe that goes from the dorsals to the base of the column or sacrum. This part has a natural curve which, if too exaggerated, is called lordosis.

  • Pain in the lower back can be related to muscle or spinal problems.
  • However, they can also be due to a malfunction of an organ, such as the kidneys or the intestine.

While bad posture can be the root of the problem. In other cases emotional issues can also be decisive.

1. Kidney problems

To find out if chronic low back pain is related to the kidneys, place the palms of the hands open on the narrowest area of ​​the belt.

The place where the thumbs should go is, roughly, where the lower back is.

If when you press on this area it is painful, you may need to use natural treatment to relieve the inflammation of the kidneys.

  • You can take onion broths and dandelion and burdock infusions for several days, throughout the day, until you feel relief in the lower back area.

2. Sensitivity to cold and humidity

There are people who, due to a metabolic disorder or for other reasons, can be very sensitive to cold and humidity, especially when the changes are sudden.

The lumbars are, moreover, one of the areas most vulnerable to external agents, along with the joints.

  • The lumbar area must be well protected with a woolen fabric, such as a belt. This material is excellent for protecting against the outside temperature, also calms pain and brings a pleasant feeling of well-being.

3. Bad posture

If we observe the models, we realize that we have a tendency to arch the body too much, pushing the lumbars forward in a forced and unadvised way.

This bad posture is the cause of many back pain, both in adults and in young people. It is also common in pregnant women, because of the weight of the belly.

  • To solve bad posture, we need to do postural rehabilitation and stretching exercises that allow us to stretch the spine properly.
  • Inversion tables are beneficial (except for pregnant women).

4. Intestinal disorders

Intestinal disorders such as constipation, diarrhea or alternating states of these two imbalances can impact the posterior area, i.e. the lumbar region.

To solve this, one can resort to natural medicine:

  • Constipation: Chia and flax seeds, probiotic supplements, fruits, raw, high-fiber vegetables, and water between meals.
  • Diarrhea: Green tea infusions, white rice, charcoal supplements and probiotics.
  • Alternate states: Bach flowers, homeopathy, kuzu, chia seeds.

5. Emotional issues

Emotional issues can directly lead to chronic lower back pain. Concretely, they are linked to fears, especially the fear of money problems.

To treat these pains, you must consult a professional therapist who will give you personalized remedies based on Bach flowers, homeopathy, herbal medicine, etc.

6. Lesions

Finally, here is a very common reason for chronic lower back pain. Lesions which are the result of exercises, accidents, bad movements etc.

These lesions should always be treated early and well, so that they do not turn into chronic pain. 

In addition to seeing a doctor and doing the relevant tests, we also need to take some supplements to aid recovery:

  • Homeopathic remedy with arnica
  • Liquid organic silicon
  • Beer yeast
  • Shark cartilage

As soon as the lesion begins, apply cold to calm the pain. So, if you later apply heat locally, with a hot water bottle, a small heater or cream, it will be much more effective.

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