Is It Bad To Eat Flour For Dinner?

The problem that arises when we eat flour at night is that we go to bed soon after, and our body does not have time to eliminate it.

Dinner is not a meal like any other. When we eat something in the evening, we go to bed quickly afterwards, and our body has no possibility of eliminating the food that we have just ingested.
This is why it could be dangerous to eat flour at night. In the rest of this article, we will tell you the whole truth about this hypothesis, so that you can take care of your health.

Food and hormones

Before we talk concretely about eating flour at night, we need to understand how hormones work and the role they play in our daily lives.

People who are obese tend to eat out of anxiety or addiction, but not out of hunger. This is due to the excessive secretion of a substance called serotonin.

This hormone has various functions, including regulating appetite, controlling body temperature and regulating perceptual functions.

Serotonin is controlled by two areas of the brain. The pineal gland and the hypothalamus. These two regions work in relation to light and dark.

This is why serotonin is a hormone that is most active during daylight hours. As soon as night falls, its production drops and this can cause us depression, nervousness, even anxiety.

So this means that we are more likely to be drawn to food in the evening than in the morning.

But the role of this hormone does not end there. It also helps us choose the foods we are going to eat.

Obviously, in the case we have just mentioned, it does not make us opt for fruits or vegetables, but rather for foods filled with carbohydrates, fats and salt.

Flour and depression

Many people who are overweight or obese suffer from some kind of anxiety that causes them to eat foods filled with flours or sugars. Or both, so as to relieve a kind of sudden and irrepressible craving.

While these foods have antidepressant and sedative effects, they are also very bad for our health, especially when we eat them at night.

Sadness and frustration go hand in hand with the uncontrolled urge to consume flour at night. The ingestion of refined carbohydrates, however, causes significant weight gain and difficulty in losing pounds.

Eating foods containing flour in the evening is therefore not a bad habit in itself. The problem, as always, is in the amounts we ingest.

Also, if we go to bed right after our calorie meal and don’t do any physical activity that allows us to cut back on the calories we just ingested, things get complicated.

As flours are digested very slowly by our body, they can cause stomach and intestinal problems, such as acidity, gas, constipation, among others.

In addition, it is important to raise the fact that these foods containing flour also generate a great addiction.

When we feel the urge to eat, we often opt for pasta, bread or cakes. These foods have the ability to fill us up, of course, but above all they allow us to calm our nerves and soothe our sadness.

However, we are not suggesting that you eliminate carbohydrates from your diet, but reduce the portions you eat, especially in the evening.

Conversely, these foods are excellent if they are eaten for breakfast and lunch, because they give us the energy necessary to carry out all our daily activities, and that we have the leisure to burn them in the morning. as our day went on.

This is not the case at night. We don’t need any fuel to sleep.

Quite the contrary: we need easily digestible foods, such as vegetables or fruit. In this way, we will go to bed feeling lighter and we will be able to sleep more easily.

How to avoid the urge to eat foods containing flour in the evening?

In theory, everything is simple. But when we have to put our good resolutions into practice, things get complicated.

There are some tips that can help you avoid eating anything and everything at night.

In this way, you will be able to gradually eliminate the flours from your dinners. And you will be able to lose weight much more easily.

1. Exercise

Sport can help us in many of our goals. It allows us, among other things, to keep a good physical condition and to lose weight.

In addition, it acts as a real medicine that relieves our state of mind. With half an hour of sport a day, we can better control our anxiety, our stress. And, where applicable, our depression.

2. Eat more fruit

Always having a nice fruit basket in sight is an essential part of avoiding succumbing to the temptation of products containing flour, fat or sugar.

  • These foods allow us to control our blood sugar levels and be full. In addition, they provide us with water, fiber and vitamins in large quantities.

The next time you feel like skipping on a pastry, go for a banana or an apple instead.

3. Drink plenty of water to avoid flours

Sometimes we confuse the feeling of hunger with that of thirst. Instead of drinking healthy liquids, we then throw ourselves on the first bits of food we see.

If we keep ourselves properly hydrated throughout the day, it is very likely that we will not have the same whims when it comes to food.

4. Listen to your body

We have to separate two things. The fact that our stomachs are crying out for hunger and the fact that our anxiety drives us to eat anything and everything.

To figure out what state you are in when hunger strikes you , you can analyze what you feel like eating.

If your first answer is “a cake” or “a plate of fries,” your appetite is certainly not involved in this story. If so, you could eat any food you could find.

5. Do not always fill your stomach with food and flour

Having a more than full stomach after dinner is a terrible idea if you want to stay healthy.

We often abuse food because we do not know how to dose well. Or because we eat much too quickly. And that our stomachs don’t have time to tell us that it’s full.

Chew every bite of your dinner well and take breaks between meals.

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