Is It Good To Eat Fruit At Night?

Did you know that the best time of day to eat fruit is in the morning? They give us all the energy we need to face the day.

Is it good to eat fruit at night? Some say that it is not advisable to eat fruit for dessert. While others say that it is better to eat a fruit as a starter. 

And there are those who approve of eating an apple, pear or banana after dinner. In this article, we’re going to unveil the truth to you. You can’t miss it

Eat fruit in the evening

We were taught to eat salty first and then sweet. Still,  there are people who believe that in order to avoid digestive problems, the fruit should be eaten before dinner.

Why ? Because it brings you more satiety. This is great if you are on a diet but also if you don’t want to go to bed with 2 extra pounds. Because sometimes we eat a lot at dinner, and that is not good for our health.

If, on the contrary, you eat a fruit after having dinner, you will add up the few calories of these foods and you will not be able to lose weight or stay in shape.

Nutritionally, eating fruit in the evening does not allow you to keep your figure compared to what you eat during the day. 

This is so because fruits have energetic properties that speed up the metabolism and this is good when we are active. On the other hand, if you are slumped on the sofa or in bed, the metabolism works more slowly.

The contributions of fruits:

  • Calcium
  • Phosphorus
  • Iron
  • Antioxidants
  • Sugars
  • Fat (in small amounts)
  • Carbohydrates
  • Vitamins

In general, we like to eat fruit in the evening, because it is considered a dessert. However, this is the worst time to consume it.

Most of the previously named nutrients are lost in digestion due to the fermentation of the sugars they contain.  This is why many people do not feel well after eating a piece of fruit at the end of a meal.

It is also not advisable to eat it at all times of the day. Because they contain a substance called fructose. In our body, it turns into glucose and energy.

If we don’t spend it in one way, it builds up in the body as fat. 

Advantages and disadvantages of fruit in the evening

The benefits of eating fruit at night:

  • Can be a good and healthy appetizer if not consumed in excess.
  • Are full of vitamins, nutrients and minerals that your body needs.
  • Reduce the risk of suffering from serious illnesses.
  • Help maintain an ideal weight.
  • Are a good alternative to a dessert full of sugar, a cake etc.
  • Can satiate and thus allow not to overeat in the evening.

The disadvantages of eating fruit in the evening are:

  • Since most fruits contain sugar, this produces an increase in the blood, which is not recommended for people with diabetes.
  • You can cloud your weight loss goals if you substitute fruit for food. 

When is the best time to eat fruit?

A doubt persists, even after having read what was said previously:  When can we eat fruit? We know that it is a good food for our health, but not being able to consume them for dessert left you with a bitter taste … 

Here is the answer: in the morning. Of course, we will give you the reasons for this advice.

Eating fruit for breakfast is a good way to start the day with a healthy dose of natural energy. 

The metabolism works faster until midday, because it is probably at these times of the day that we are most active.

eat fruit in the evening, is it the best time

If you eat an apple, an orange, a few strawberries or a pear for breakfast (added to other ingredients of course), you will be able to burn more calories than if you consume just a coffee. 

Remember that fruit is low in fat and it is not recommended that it be the only food of the morning. You have to add carbohydrates and fiber, especially.

But in addition to eating fruits in the morning, one can choose them for a snack in the morning. But if you still have a lot to do and you feel “weak”, eat a piece of fruit! Especially if you are going to the gym, college, or have family waiting for you next door.

Fruit can never be missing from our diet, as long as we eat it properly. It will also depend on each person’s body and how much we ingest. 

If after dinner you want to eat 2 or 3 grapes, no problem. But do not eat bananas for example, because it will weigh you down on your stomach. 

Always have a fruit on hand

Always have natural and healthy products on hand , to eat when you want  and when you are at your end of the game. Remember these principles:

  • Eat fruit before dinner.
  • Eat fruit for breakfast.
  • Eat a fruit in the afternoon.
  • And one last: Eat them alone, without any other food. 

In this way, you will benefit from all the nutrients of these gifts from nature. And you will avoid the following things:

  • Indigestion
  • Heaviness in the stomach
  • Weight gain
  • Acidity
  • Gastritis
  • Lack of nutrients

Here is our final tip: Do not mix types of fruits, i.e. do not eat sour fruits with sweet fruits. 

Prefer one type of fruit at a time. And always eat fresh fruit, not canned, processed, frozen, canned or industrial juices. And whenever possible, choose organically grown fruit.

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