5 Fruits For Really Effective Weight Loss

When we want to lose weight, we can take advantage of the properties of certain fruits which, when consumed in a suitable way, can help us lose fat and to improve our health in general.

Losing weight and maintaining the size you want can sometimes be an impossible task. Today in this article we are going to tell you what are the best fruits for weight loss.

Factors such as the yoyo effect, stress or the change in some of our lifestyle habits lead to the gain of a few pounds.

Losing weight while staying healthy should be our main overall goal. But being successful in maintaining an ideal weight should be a daily goal.

How do you do that now? Our genetics or the lack of time to cook healthy meals are often our main enemies.

Today in this article we are going to tell you what are the best fruits for weight loss. We are sure they will be of assistance to you. Likewise, it is essential to know how to consume them. Take careful note!

1. Lose weight with lemon

On this site, we often tell you about the virtues of lemon. Now, you should know that the way in which this citrus fruit helps us lose weight is really special:

  • Lemon juice is rich in vitamin C. Thanks to this element, we also stimulate our liver health.
  • Enjoying good liver health requires optimal fat metabolism. In addition, we digest food better and absorb nutrients better.
  • Lemon helps us to purify the body, also to eliminate toxins through the urine. 
  • This citrus is satiating and also fights against constipation.

5 fruits for really effective weight loss: lemon

How to consume lemon to lose weight?

  • Start the day with a glass of lukewarm water with the juice of a lemon.
  • Season the salads with a little lemon juice.

2. Strawberries, ideal for the line

When we think of strawberries, we imagine a high calorie dessert.

While it is obvious that we associate this fruit with high calorie desserts, eaten plain, strawberries can also be wonderful fruits for weight loss.

We will therefore explain to you why strawberries help us improve our line.

  • Contains very little sugar and a lot of vitamins.
  • Are diuretics and contain powerful antioxidants.
  • Fight against fluid retention.
  • Rich in fiber and therefore allow us to fight against constipation.
  • Satisfying.
  • Anti-inflammatory properties.

How to consume strawberries to lose weight?

  • Strawberry water: mix a liter of water with the juice of 10 strawberries and a little lemon juice.
  • Strawberry salad with spinach and nuts, ideal for healthy weight loss.

3. Green apple, wonderful for digestive health

All apples are healthy. But the green apple is excellent in phenolic acid and flavonoids. It is the best for regulating the level of sugar in the blood. 

In addition, here are its other virtues:

  • Rich in antioxidants.
  • Allows to regulate bad cholesterol or LDL.
  • Also helps speed up metabolism.
  • Also acts on the fat itself, making it less resistant.

5 fruits for really effective weight loss: green apple

How to consume green apples to lose weight?

  • Regularly, in the early hours of the day and as much as possible with the skin.
  • A green apple smoothie paired with oats.

4. Cranberries, effective fruits for weight loss

Cranberries are an inexhaustible source of nutrients with very few calories.

You only need to eat between 10 and 20 of them to get a high level of vitamin C, potassium and antioxidants.

  • Cranberries contain insoluble fiber, which is ideal for supporting digestion.
  • Likewise, they are rich in tannins, which work as very powerful natural astringents.
  • We must also not forget that we can consume as much as we want. Because our weight will not be affected. They are filling and very versatile in the kitchen.

How to consume cranberries for weight loss?

  • At breakfast, mixed with other fruits.
  • In natural smoothies.
  • In salads.

Pomegranates, sources of health

Pomegranate is a fruit with strong antioxidant power.

Here is its main virtue: it stimulates blood circulation to the heart and therefore helps us to keep the arteries clean, without fat deposits. 

  • If it is obvious that pomegranates are an autumn fruit, it is worth waiting until this season to enjoy their virtues.
  • Consuming pomegranate helps to avoid storing too much body fat in the abdomen area.
  • Likewise, this fruit is rich in fiber and also helps us to eliminate bad cholesterol or LDL.

5 fruits for really effective weight loss: pomegranate

How to consume pomegranate to lose weight?

  • Nature.
  • In juice, at breakfast.
  • In salads.

In conclusion: do not hesitate to take advantage of these fruits each season to lose weight and take care of your figure and also your health.

It’s worth it !

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