7 Habits That Help You Fight Insomnia The Natural Way

Maintaining a fixed bedtime schedule helps your body get used to and adapt to your lifestyle to optimize sleep time and prevent insomnia.

Insomnia is one of the most common modern ailments, and although overlooked by many, it can be the root cause of other physical and emotional health problems.

This manifests as difficulty falling asleep.  Or when the rest period is interrupted.

Since the organism does not manage to perform optimally the functions which are exerted during the time of sleep, it is subjected to certain reactions which, little by little, reduce the quality of life.

What is most worrying is that many people ignore the negative effects it brings and, although they suffer from it on a recurring basis, they do not take control measures, causing significant consequences.

While it is true that many cases are mild and episodic, it is essential to pay attention and not allow the symptoms to gain ground.

Fortunately, this problem can be fought naturally, as the daily practice of certain habits can positively influence the quality of sleep.

Discover them!

1. Dine light

light dinner to avoid insomnia

Consuming a light meal daily, one or two hours before bedtime, is essential to avoid interruptions during the rest period.

  • Skipping this main meal can cause digestive discomfort and a feeling of hunger, which affects rest.
  • On the other hand, eating too much food produces acidity and acid reflux, which also prevents sleep.

2. Avoid consuming caffeine or stimulants

Stimulant drinks, such as energy drinks or coffee, contain caffeine and other chemicals that can make it hard to fall asleep on time.

  • These substances keep the brain active and therefore inhibit the action of neurotransmitters that allow you to rest.
  • It is essential to limit their consumption as much as possible, especially in the evening.
  • Instead, we recommend that you consume natural juices, herbal teas, or hot milk.

3. Maintain a fixed bedtime

Maintaining a fixed schedule for going to bed is one of the habits that can make it easier to control insomnia, especially when it tends to be recurring.

This way you get the body used to maintaining a rhythm. You will then feel the urge to always fall asleep at the same time.

  • The schedule should be adjusted to ensure sufficient sleep time (not less than 7 hours without interruption).
  • It also means avoiding sudden changes between normal days and vacation or rest day schedules.

4. Exercise regularly

Regular physical activity helps us maintain optimal production of serotonin, the neurotransmitter that influences the quality of sleep.

This neurotransmitter, in addition to its ability to relieve stress and depression, is ideal for reducing episodes of insomnia.

  • It is advisable to devote at least 30 minutes a day, 3 or 4 days a week.
  • You can walk or do any other cardiovascular exercise.
  • The practice of interval training is also beneficial.

5. Create an environment conducive to sleep

The environment in which we sleep greatly influences the quality of sleep. Although we usually do a lot of activities in our room, the ideal is to keep this space exclusively for resting.

That is, if you usually work or do other activities in this room, it is best to start looking for alternatives.

  • Computers, televisions and other distracting items should be kept in other rooms of the house.
  • I It is important to ensure a good environment in the place, checking that the temperature is suitable and that the room is quiet and dark.
  • Also, be sure to keep the bed clean and comfortable.

6. Meditate

Meditation before sleep is a reflective practice that, in addition to controlling anxiety and stress, helps improve the quality of sleep.

This therapy is recommended especially when insomnia is related to emotional or nervous disorders.

  • For your practice, it is important to have a calm and peaceful environment, far from any possible distraction.
  • The ideal is to combine meditation with breathing exercises for more benefits.

7. Drink herbal teas that make it easier to sleep.

infusions to prevent insomnia

There are a wide variety of plants which, thanks to their properties, help relax body and mind to ensure deep and restful sleep.

The latter are usually prepared as an infusion and are an alternative treatment to certain medicines for insomnia.

Here are a few that we recommend:

  • Valerian
  • Chamomile
  • Lime tree
  • Lemon balm
  • Oregano
  • Boldo
  • Mint
  • Lavender

Do you have trouble sleeping? Do you never fall asleep at the desired time? If you spend your time rolling around in bed but can’t fall asleep, practice these few rules and say goodbye to this problem.

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