How To Wash The Windows In Your House?

In the art of cleaning, it is not only enough to have good products, it is also necessary to have the right knowledge for the result to be impeccable. Now your windows will be perfect if you follow our advice.

Today, each house is different from the others, our personalities are diverse and we each have particular tastes. This is reflected in many homes in different decorations and styles. One of the hardest household activities is washing windows.

You may have glass walls, tiles or glass tiles in your home that are more difficult to clean.

Because even though we don’t see it easily, a lot of bacteria can accumulate there. The cleanliness of the house is very important and every corner of the home must be looked after.

If you don’t know how to wash windows, don’t worry. Read on, because we have the best tips for having a beautiful home.

How to wash the windows of a house?

To do the housework properly, you have to be methodical and know the techniques that work best.

Before you start, you can prepare your own window cleaning kit. You will need the following:

  • Microfiber cloth
  • From a sprayer
  • A little dishwashing soap

Once you have what you need, you can start working.

efficient method of washing windows

Cleaning of glass walls

These thick walls or translucent tiles let in light and also help us to create different environments in the house.

They are elegant and bring a touch of distinction. They are used both outdoors and indoors. You have to clean them all the time because they can pick up a lot of dust and dirt without noticing. Therefore, they should be treated the same as window glass.

Follow these tips for impeccable cleanliness:

  • Clean the windows one by one
  • Use a cloth dampened with water and a little ammonia
  • Use ammonia, which helps remove grease and dirt in one pass and adds shine
  • If your wall has a decorative pattern and it is difficult to clean it with a rag, you can scrub the corners with a toothbrush that you no longer use. It must be wet with water and ammonia to make it shine
  • To clean the joints that connect the glass tiles and keep them always white, scrub with a brush with a soapy mixture to restore them to their original color.
  • If you find that they have darkened, you can buy a bleach and apply it to every joint that needs it.

For a better finish, clean the joints first and then the glass, it will take less time and the finish will be perfect.

Tips for washing windows

In the trade we find a lot of cleaning products that assure us that they will leave our house perfect. However, many people suffer from allergies and these chemicals can damage the dermis of our skin.

For this reason, we recommend making our own mixes of water and lemon, water and vinegar, dishwasher soap or ammonia. By the way, here are some tips:

  • Do not use powdered laundry soap because it is very abrasive.
  • Wash the windows gently, as the glass can be delicate and can get scratched easily.
  • Once the surface has been cleaned, dry it with a clean, lint-free cloth.
  • You can make a mixture of water, vinegar and lemon to clean the tiles in your bathroom. Humid areas in the house are more prone to fungus growth.
  • The ideal is to make circles and enveloping movements to make sure that the entire surface is cleaned.

tips for cleaning windows effectively

Cleaning rags

Once you are done washing the windows, it is important to clean the rags well.

A lot of people are unaware of this and tend to wash their rags in the washing machine with their everyday clothes, which is a big mistake.

It is best to wash all rags in the machine without putting them with other clothes, and you should not use fabric softener.

Fabric softener may cause these cloths to not dry well when you reuse them. Either wash them all with a neutral detergent and without fabric softeners, or you wash them by hand in lukewarm water and vinegar.

As you have seen, when it comes to cleaning a house, every corner has its own trick and its own complexity. Now you can make your windows look perfect and like new.

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