Numbness Of The Hands During Sleep?

We need to watch the pain to identify its source, and be able to diagnose more serious problems such as carpal tunnel early.

Has this ever happened to you? You are sleeping. But you suddenly wake up with a strange feeling in your hands, an annoying kind of tickle. It is the numbness of the hands that appears during the night. So it forces you to wake up.

It is indeed a strange and really embarrassing feeling which is repeated very often. What’s going on ? Is there a cure? We will explain everything to you in this article.

The cramps or numbness in the hands may be due to something normal: being in the wrong position. This will therefore prevent the blood from circulating normally. However, this phenomenon can appear due to other factors.

It is an unpleasant sensation that sometimes also appears in other areas of the body, such as the legs or even the feet. So let’s see the causes.

The causes of numbness in the hands

The metacarpal tunnel

The metacarpal tunnel of the handThis is without a doubt the most common cause. Our three main fingers – thumb, index and middle fingers – tend to be the most affected by what is called carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS). This is a problem with the median nerve.

This is because peripheral neuropathy puts pressure on our wrist, so it can cause symptoms with great pain. We have trouble moving our hands, but we also lose sensitivity. This is where the famous feeling of numbness comes in. It is during the night that these sensations are the most troublesome.

Work done during the day

Man suffering from numbness in his hands

Sometimes it is possible to overload our wrists. It is  manual work such as writing a lot on the computer, using scissors, tools, sewing… All of this can strain the nerves of our hand. Therefore, continuous flexing and inflection will quickly overload this part of the body if exercised intensely.

The pain appears especially during the night, when one does not exert any more any movement. The nerves and tendons will therefore release their pressure more intensely.

Water retention

Woman touching her hands

Having a few extra pounds, doing little physical exercise, or following an unsuitable diet: these are the causes that swell our feet but also our hands because of water retention. The tingling sensation is always more intense during the night. The circulation is difficult, so it will exert pressure and it is therefore at this time that this annoying problem appears.

B vitamin deficiency

Vitamin B 12 capsules

Very often, the fact of maintaining a deficient and incorrect diet creates an insufficient supply of B vitamins. This lack generates consequences that we do not pay attention to. We associate these problems with fatigue from work or everyday life. We do not realize that everything comes mainly from the lack of vitamin B.

Fatigue, drowsiness, pallor of the skin, a feeling of palpitations and numbness of the hands and legs, etc. These are the very characteristic symptoms of this vitamin B deficiency. Hands and legs go numb during the night, so this is another factor to take into account.

Home remedies for numb hands

Spoon of flaxseed oil

  • Before sleeping, take a tablespoon of flaxseed oil. According to several studies it is a really effective anti-inflammatory which acts particularly on our extremities. Linseed oil therefore relieves the feeling of numbness in our hands.
  • Submerge your hands in cold water in your bathroom sink. If you add a few ice cubes, it will be even more effective. You will relieve pressure, inflammation of the nerves, and pain. Do this before going to sleep, you will notice a slight improvement.
  • Eliminate salt and acidifying drinks from your diet. These products indeed increase inflammation and pain. It is therefore better to avoid them.
  • Stay well hydrated throughout the day. Indeed, you must drink at least two liters of water per day. For example, you can make yourself an avocado drink to enjoy the benefits of its diuretic and purifying effect. This prevents water retention. It is enough just to boil two avocados in water and then filter the contents. You can also mix this drink with the juice of half a lemon.
  • It is important to add vitamin B to your diet. Tuna, potatoes, bananas, and all leafy green vegetables can help you achieve the correct intake of this much-needed vitamin. In addition to this, you can also find vitamin B tablets in pharmacies or in natural stores. They allow you to supplement your diet.
  •  If you are used to doing manual work in which you have to use your hands and wrists for many hours, you can use some kind of compression wrist cuff. It will give you the right pressure to protect your nerves and joints, avoiding painful overloads.

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