Non-toxic Natural Oils Which Act As Sun Protection

While it is true that it is not easy to find, raspberry oil nevertheless provides us with vitamins A and E, and allows to keep young skin. In addition, it has an SPF (sun protection factor) between 30 and 50.

Are you getting ready for the holidays? If you would like to discover natural alternatives to protect yourself from UV rays, which are so bad for the skin, then read this article to know the best natural non-toxic oils that act as sun protectors.

The most effective oils as a sunscreen

It’s good to know that even if you put on sunscreen or homemade oils, ultraviolet rays can still hurt you, if:

  • We do not put ourselves in the shade.
  • We expose ourselves in full sun during the hottest hours.
  • We don’t apply sunscreen every 2 hours or right after swimming.

It is important to take precautions and to respect the recommended hours for sun exposure.

Do not think that you are out of danger when the sky is cloudy, because even then the sun is affecting your skin as well.

Just because you can’t feel it on your skin doesn’t mean it doesn’t burn us!

The best non-toxic natural oils that can be used as a sunscreen are:

Avocado oil

It must be mixed with a protection factor of at least 15. This oil is found in herbalists or natural stores.

If you are brave enough, you can squeeze the pulp out of an avocado and apply it to your skin. Don’t flaunt too much either because you would look like the Hulk in an instant! This involves applying a layer that will stop the absorption of UV rays.

Wheat germ oil

This oil is very economical and has no smell of oil. It is an antioxidant that supplies vitamin E to your skin.

You certainly know that this nutrient improves the health of your skin, prevents premature aging and reduces wrinkles. In addition, it has the ability to remedy and prevent damage produced by ultraviolet rays. 

You can also use it to treat psoriasis, eczema, and burns.

Coconut oil

You can use it for many purposes… It is multi-purpose! Its characteristic aroma will make it the most desired product of the summer.

In addition to protecting the skin from the sun, coconut oil also protects the hair. Mix it with a sun protection factor of 8 or higher, and spread it all over your body, hair and scalp.

You will smell the candy, and you will not be able to do without it because you will be so irresistible!

Carrot seed oil

You will find some in your herbalist’s shop. You probably know that carrots are great for the skin, but you should know that carrot seed oil is even better. Indeed, it provides vitamin A and carotene, all a protective tool for your skin.

Plus, it will help you get a nice tan without sunburn and keep you from turning red like a crayfish! 

Carrot seed oil is also used for other skin conditions, for example eczema.

Almond oil

It is one of the most popular essential oils. It has a protection factor of 5, which may seem a bit low, but be aware that it is a great source of vitamin E which helps keep skin younger and softer.

It is also excellent for the hair since it gives them softness and shine.

Red raspberry oil

This oil may not be easy to obtain, but it offers a very high protection factor, between 30 and 50. It provides vitamins A and E, which keep the skin young and reduce inflammation. With its thick consistency, there is no need to mix it with any other ingredient.

However, it does not smell of raspberries and has a fairly strong odor that is a bit unpleasant for sensitive noses. However, be aware that this smell disappears in an hour!

Soybean oil

It is used in the East for cooking. Many Asian dishes are prepared with soybean oil. It has been shown to have many properties to protect the skin from the sun.

With just a few drops, it’s ideal for shielding against UV rays. In addition, it softens the skin and has almost no odor.

Olive oil

Our dear and indispensable olive oil could not be missing from this list. You surely know its thousand and one properties, both in its internal and external use.

On the other hand, know that it softens the skin, it protects it from sun damage and provides it with good amounts of antioxidants to treat sunburn.

In addition, it works wonderfully on the hair and the scalp. And you don’t even have to buy it since you always have it in your kitchen!

Jojoba oil

Jojoba is widely used in beauty treatments such as shampoos and soaps. It is used to treat scaly or dry skin. It is a great moisturizer and it protects from the sun.

It is not an oil that has strong effects against UV rays, but it can be useful to you if you combine it with a cream.

Macadamia oil

It is rich in vitamin E and minerals, including potassium and phosphorus. It is the ultimate home sunscreen on the beaches of Australia. Macadamia essential oil can be found in natural stores.

Other oils

To end this list, we can give you a few more options of oils that act as a sunscreen:

  • Sesame seed oil
  • Hemp seed oil
  • Shea butter
  • Peanut oil.

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