Lump In The Neck: All You Need To Know

A lump in the neck can cause symptoms such as difficulty swallowing or aphonia.

Anyone freaks out when they find a suspicious lump in their neck. The first thing people think of is cancer. However, there are many causes other than cancer. Indeed, not all are malignant. For example, it could be a temporary infection, a cyst, or a benign tumor.

The main cause of a lump in the neck is inflammation of the lymph nodes. These are rounded structures that are part of the immune system and are found throughout the body. They help the body recognize and fight infections. And for that they tend to ignite regularly. But it is a transitory and very frequent situation.

In this article, we tell you everything you need to know about neck bumps.

What are the main causes of a lump in the neck?

A lump in the throat can cause pain

As we mentioned before,  the most common cause of a lump in the neck is inflammation of a lymph node. This can happen for several reasons:

  • A nearby infection: for example, a cold or throat infection. These are quite common situations, especially in children. In addition, mononucleosis, dental abscesses and tonsillitis are also common ailments.
  • A lymph node infection: this is called lymphadenitis
  • Systemic diseases such as  human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)  and tuberculosis

Besides, there are also immune disorders that can cause a lump in the neck. These cause inflammation of the lymph nodes as well as infections. The most common disease is rheumatoid arthritis. A condition in which the immune system mistakenly attacks healthy tissue. It mainly affects the joints.

Likewise, some medicines can cause the lymph nodes to increase in size. A lump in the neck can also be a cyst. In other words, a cavity filled with liquid. We can largely identify them because most of them are present from birth. Another possible cause is a problem in the salivary glands.

However,  it should not be overlooked either that it may be cancer. Malignant tumors are more common in older people. Indeed, it can be a cancerous lymph node, but also a tumor of a neighboring structure that has spread. In fact, it can even be metastasis from a distant tumor.

Alarming signs and symptoms of a lump in the neck

If you notice a lump in your neck,  it is essential to see a doctor for an examination. Indeed, it is very important to carry out the relevant examinations to diagnose the cause. However, in addition to further testing, there are a number of signals that can guide us as to the nature of these bumps.

For example, a soft, painful lump is usually a sign of an infection. This type of lump tends to disappear after a while. On the other hand, a nodule that is very tender to the touch is often lymphadenitis. On the other hand, if the lump is hard, immobile, and painless, it may be a tumor.

Tumors can also cause  other symptoms like aphonia or difficulty swallowing. Therefore, if you have a lump in your neck that persists and also causes these kinds of symptoms, do not wait any longer to see your doctor.

A woman with a lump in her neck

What are the tests that diagnose the cause of a lump in the neck?

There are many tests that help make a diagnosis. However, if the patient is young, it is usually not a tumor. In addition, if there are signs of a nearby infection, this type of examination is also not necessary. The consistency and the pain are 2 important parameters.

The first examination performed is the blood count. Chest x-rays can also be used. When there are alarming signs or risk factors for cancer, more specific tests are used. Among the latter, we find the biopsy, in which part of the mass is extracted for analysis.

On the other hand, imaging tests are also common. The most widely used are computed tomography and magnetic resonance (MRI). Ultrasound is also sometimes helpful.


A lump in the neck is usually a lymph node that has grown in size. The most common cause is indeed a nearby infection which often resolves itself without major problem. Finally, you have to watch out for other symptoms. Indeed, if the nodule is not painful and does not move, it may be a tumor. In this case, it is essential to consult a doctor in order to dispel any doubts.

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