Japanese Method Of 4 Minutes To Have A Flat Stomach

Even if it is only 4 minutes of exercises, you should know that their intensity is very high and if you are not used to it , you will need to start small so as not to hurt yourself.

We all want to be able to exercise our body quickly and easily to enjoy good firmness in the stomach area.

To get there, to have that flat stomach, you need a good diet and above all, to be constant.

However, be aware that it isn’t always mandatory to go to a gym or use complex machines to work your abs.

In fact, and curious as it sounds, you need four minutes in a quiet, open space in your bedroom or living room. 

Do you think this is a fake miracle? Another strategy from a fitness guru who seeks notoriety with his innovative remedies? Not at all.

We are talking here about the Tabata method, developed by a Japanese researcher.

We are sure that it will be very useful and interesting to you.

The Tabata protocol: short but intense training

Izumi Tabata is a Japanese scientist who has today become a true reference in the world of Sports Sciences.

In the 90s, through research, he concluded that one of the best ways to lose weight and gain firmness was through the combination of aerobic activity and anaerobic activity. 

  • He devised a very concrete exercise program that he called the Tabata Protocol . It has been used successfully in many gymnasiums, and several Olympic athletes have put it into practice and achieved good results.
  • However, after a few years, he fell into oblivion until the producer of Universal Pictures asked him to make a series of DVD documentaries for the people to learn his method.

To summarize, the Tabata protocol or method is based on the following axes:

  • We try, above all, to keep the heart beating at a high speed and we associate aerobic exercises with anaerobic exercises.
  • The metabolism of anaerobic exercise will cause our muscles to need more energy than their breathing can provide, and therefore we burn more fat. 
  • The idea is to do high intensity exercises in short periods of time. This data is what should invite us to take it step by step.

If you are not used to high intensity exercise, your best bet is to go to a gym for assistance.

Regarding the Abdominal Table of the Tabata method, you can do them at home at a calmer pace and respecting your own limits.

How to get a flatter stomach with this Japanese method?

Any good athlete knows that performing short, high intensity exercises improves cardiovascular capacity. If you do them at the right intervals and every day for two months, you will get good results.

But remember: you need to be consistent and be careful not to go beyond your own abilities. If you are too tired and feel nauseous, you better stop.

It is enough, in reality, to devote four minutes to these simple exercises. It’s easy.

We explain how to do it.

1. Start by warming up a bit

It is not good to start exercising at high intensity before you have warmed up. Just jump rope for a few seconds or do simple leg or stomach stretches.

Thus, you will avoid sudden back pain or overload in the legs.

2. Stretch your belly

As you will see, these exercises require a lot of effort.

  • After warming up, lie on the floor on your back and raise your legs 30 centimeters.
  • Put your hands under your neck and lift your head as well.
  • Try to maintain this position for 2 minutes. Resist!


3. Small swings

In this article, you should also be careful. If you have back problems it is no good.

  • Stand with your knees together.
  • Gain momentum and jump.
  • When you “land”, do it with your legs parted and bent.
  • Then, in the same position, jump again and fall back to your feet, with your knees tight.
  • Repeat this for 20 seconds.


3. Flexions and other exercises

This is the classic exercise par excellence: flexions! But to strengthen the tummy even more, the Tabata method recommends that we do the following:

  • When you are in the push-up position, bend your knee to rest it against your chest. Hold this position for 10 seconds. 
  • Then repeat the same with the other leg.

5. Abs and resistance

The last exercise is easy to do.

  • Lie on your back and stretch your arms.
  • Next, bend your body back, taking your knees in your arms and bringing them up to chest height.
  • Repeat this as quickly as possible for 20 seconds.

To conclude, as you can see, these exercises are easy to perform, but they require resistance and speed.

The ideal is to do a series of exercises for 4 minutes at a good pace and without stopping.

Put on some music and do it every day but always being careful to respect your limits. After several weeks, your belly will be firm and smooth.


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