How To Detect Colon Cancer In Time

Symptoms of colon cancer can sometimes be confused with those of other digestive diseases, which is why it is essential to consult a specialist as soon as we start to feel discomfort.

Colon cancer is one of the most diagnosed cancers around the world. This type of cancer develops in the part of the digestive system called the colon or rectum over a period of 10 to 15 years  in general .

It starts with a small swelling of the tissue that covers the colon, and then over time it becomes cancerous.

In principle, this type of cancer is silent, that is, there are no concrete symptoms that could indicate its presence to the affected person. This cancer is therefore dangerous, because it may already be too late when we learn that we are sick.

It is therefore important to consult your doctor, and perform a screening test to check that everything is fine. In addition, tell your doctor if you notice any change in your stool, it may be a sign that you are suffering from this terrible disease.

Warning symptoms of colon cancer

One of the big disadvantages of colon cancer is that there are no specific symptoms in the early stages of its development. In general, the signs are considered indicative of other more common types of digestive system diseases.

This is why it is important to consult your doctor and / or a specialist in the event of digestive disorders, abnormal presence of blood in the stools, or these have an unusual color.

In the rest of this article, we will explain the different symptoms that can indicate the presence of cancer cells in the colon and allow it to be detected in time.

  • Bleeding from the rectum which is manifested by blood spots in the stool or by a very dark color.
  • Change in bowel habits like its normal digestion function.
  • Pain in the lower part of the stomach.
  • Diarrhea, constipation, or a feeling that the bowels are not completely clearing everything.
  • Very large or less liquid fecal matter than usual.
  • Severe abdominal colic, swelling, feeling of heaviness and gas.
  • Acute intestinal obstruction.
  • Chronic anemia due to iron deficiency caused by undetected and constant bleeding in the stool.
  • Constant fatigue.
  • Loss  appetite  and weight loss.
  • Fever and general malaise.

How to prevent colon cancer?

Preventing colon cancer is possible and it is up to each of us to be careful. There are different ways to prevent this disease, but it is also helpful to know if you have any predispositions.

  • One of the ways to prevent this type of cancer is to take into account the genetic history:  knowing if one of our relatives has suffered from this disease is vital to detecting possible colon cancer in time. The earlier the cancer is detected, the better the chances of recovery.
  • If you think you recognize certain symptoms of colon cancer, it is very important to see a specialist for necessary tests such as a colonoscopy.
  • If you are over 50, you are more likely to develop colon cancer, which is why your doctor should do check-ups more often than for a younger person.
  • Stop drinking alcohol and smoking because unhealthy habits are often the cause of colon cancer. According to a study by the World Cancer Research Fund .
  • Eating a healthy diet is another way to prevent this type of cancer, and other illnesses , from developing . Food plays an essential role in the development or treatment of all diseases. In the case of colon cancer, it is also recommended to avoid red meats and to prefer fish or chicken. To consume whole grains, pulses, whole flour. Dried fruits, vegetables and also foods rich in calcium such as milk.
  • Consume foods rich in vitamin D and minerals.
  • Drinking water is good for your health and the body in general. Drinking water every day is a great way to prevent cancer.
  • Reduce the consumption of sugary foods and sugars, especially refined sugar. Instead, you can eat honey or brown sugar.
  • Avoid falling into a sedentary lifestyle. Because obese people are more likely to develop colon cancer and other types of disease.
  • Develop healthy habits like exercising. Exercising at least 30 minutes 4 times a week is a good way to avoid colon cancer. And to keep an organism in perfect health.

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