Against Varicose Veins: Aloe Vera, Carrot And Apple Cider Vinegar

Although it will depend a lot on the severity of varicose veins, this treatment can be very suitable and effective in relieving the symptoms caused by this issue.

Varicose veins are dilated veins that are found near the surface of the skin and often appear on the legs and ankles.

  • Blood accumulates due to malfunctioning venous valves, and poor blood circulation results in varicose veins or varicose veins.
  • In addition, being overweight and times like pregnancy can promote its onset.
  • People who work standing are more easily exposed. They are also more present in women and the elderly.

It is not only an unsightly problem, they can also turn into noticeable discomfort.

The different types of varicose veins

Even though it is believed that all varicose veins are similar, this is not true.

Thus, depending on the development of their color and intensity, they have different levels. We can find up to 4 types of varicose veins:

Level 1 varicose veins

  • In this type of varicose veins, the fine veins are purplish in color. They can also have a star shape and are called vascular spiders.
  • In general, they involve an aesthetic problem. They can also produce a feeling of heaviness and fatigue in the legs.

Level 2 varicose veins

The veins are more and more visible and present a series of recurring symptoms such as:

  • Heaviness and fatigue in the legs
  • Pain
  • Cramps
  • Tingling
  • The feeling of warmth
  • Itching and burning

Level 3 varicose veins

The veins are more dilated and the symptoms gradually increase.

Swelling, edema and changes in skin color may also appear.

Varicose veins level 4

This type of varicose vein appears in areas with eczema or ulcers. Since the latter are difficult to treat and can easily become infected, they are the most delicate.

Thus, the most advisable is to consult a doctor.

Fortunately, if this problem affects you and you want to fight against it, today it is very easy.

For this, you can resort to natural treatments that will help relieve the symptoms.

Thanks to the properties of ingredients like carrot, aloe vera and apple cider vinegar, one can find an effective solution.

Carrot cream, aloe vera and apple vinegar for varicose veins


  • 1 cup of grated carrots (115 g)
  • 7 and a half tablespoons of aloe vera (115 g)
  • Apple vinegar (in necessary quantity)

Apple vinegar

To treat varicose veins, nothing better than apple cider vinegar, which is great for stimulating blood circulation and which also has anti-inflammatory properties.

This is because vinegar compresses by themselves are very effective in relieving the symptoms of varicose veins. It will be necessary to put it on the affected area and leave them to act for 20 minutes.

The aloe vera

Aloe vera is a plant suitable for all types of skin problems. Here, it is very useful thanks to its calming and anti-inflammatory properties for example.

The carrot

Carrot is known for its contribution of beta-carotene and antioxidants, which are also of great help to overcome all these symptoms related to varicose veins, as well as to improve their appearance.


The amounts indicated for the ingredients are approximate. In any case, know that you must use the same amount of aloe vera as of carrot.

  • The first thing to do is to peel the carrot and mix it completely. You will then obtain a sweet dough.
  • Then remove the thorns from the aloe vera, cut it crosswise and with the help of a spoon, remove the gel inside.
  • Add it to the carrot paste.
  • Then add the apple cider vinegar little by little so as not to add too much. The objective is to obtain a soft and creamy paste.
    It is important that it is not too runny as this will make it difficult to apply.
  • Finally, continue to mix until you obtain the desired texture and until all the ingredients are well combined.

Mode of application

treat varicose veins

  • For best results, apply the cream daily.
  • Spread the preparation on the varicose veins and massage in an upward direction, from the ankles to the calves, to stimulate blood flow.
  • Leave it on for at least 30 minutes and then rinse it off with cold or lukewarm water.

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