How To Build A Treehouse For Your Child

Below we show you how to build a treehouse for children in a simple and safe way that fits perfectly with nature.

The tree house is one of the places of childhood dreams. Many children therefore constantly ask their parents to build one for them; s especially when they live in houses with gardens.

This type of construction blends in very well with nature. And make the most of it (the tree serves as a support). They can be as elaborate as we want or simple. But, regardless of that, kids still like them a lot.
Based on the premise that we all love to see our kids playing and having fun outdoors, we’re going to help you build a treehouse for them.
A treehouse is a structure built on the branches of trees or near its trunk. It is a second playroom for the children (in addition to the one they already have at home).

First step: the choice of the tree

tree house for your child

The tree should be firm, with a wide trunk, strong branches and deep roots.  This is the right structure to support the house we are building.

On the other hand, it is very important to check that it is in good condition. That is, he shows no signs of illness. Or a parasite.

The species recommended for these structures are: beech, maple, oak and large fir. If you are not familiar with botany, you can consult an expert who will give you the best advice depending on the tree species that abound in your area.

Once you have chosen the tree, you need to decide what type of treehouse you want. For this, you will need to develop a plan that you will modify as you go along depending on the various factors.

To calculate the diameter, measure the outline of the trunk with a tape measure. Divide the result by π (3.14) and you will get the diameter measurement. You should also check how the base of your cabin will be placed.

Measure precisely the places where you need to cut the trunk and branches of your tree. The thickness of the support beams will depend on the size and specific location of the platform.

Note that a standard treehouse is usually 3 × 3 meters. This type of structure requires a trunk at least 30 cm in diameter.

Second step: consult the laws of the community and town planning

Before getting involved, it is very important to consult the laws of the community and town planning. This way, you will know if you need a work permit, and on the other hand, it will save you from possible problems with the neighbors.

Another important aspect of consulting the laws is that they have been established to prevent the aesthetics of urbanization from being altered. For example, we have to keep in mind that our tree house may obstruct the view from our neighbors’ windows etc.

Third step: the structure of the hut

building the tree house for your child

Once you have the green light to build your treehouse, you have to start thinking about the details of the structure. For this it is very important to take into account environmental factors such as wind. If you don’t create a strong enough structure, the wind will shake it very hard and your cabin will collapse.

Structure of the base of the hut

  • Screwed to the shaft. On the platform, the support beams will be screwed directly to the tree trunk. Keep in mind that this is probably the highest method of damaging your tree, but it is always possible to reduce this risk by using the right materials.
  • “Floating” house. Using cables, ropes or chains, you will be able to allow the cabin to be suspended from the tall and sturdy branches. You need to be sure that the type of tree you are using works for this method.
  • With support beams. This method is the one that causes the least damage to our tree, because the support poles are planted in the ground, near the tree, but are not attached to it. Leave enough space around the platform for the tree to swing freely in the wind.

Assembly process, step by step:

When the tree has V-shaped branches, it provides additional solid support for the house. Thus, you can have 4 fixing points instead of just 2. Take a drill and in the 4 fasteners of the branches opposite to each other, make holes.

For the holes you will need to use a 10mm drill bit. Make sure the holes are horizontal and at the same height. If you do not properly align the mounting holes, the platform may be out of balance.

Once the beams are fixed, the tie rods must be placed at a proportional distance, supported and fixed to the beams. It is convenient to use standard-sized wooden parts so that galvanized steel brackets and anchors can be used.

The next step is to place the necessary reinforcements to eliminate any possibility of depression. To make cuts. And to fix them in a safe and solid way.

Finally, you need to make the platform floor; the surface will need to be solid to do the rest of the work. Also secure the ladder to the platform, tree and ground.

Also secure the corners to the platform floor using metal brackets. Place the other pillars at the ends of windows and doors.

Then place on top a perimeter beam anchored to each of the pillars and place another at the height of the bottom of the window. You must position the  windows using the fixing brackets at the pillars.

Now, to make your roof 100% waterproof, before attaching the roof tiles or panels, you need to staple a piece of heavy plastic fabric over the A-frame.

Use brackets, turnbuckles, cables or any suitable hardware to secure it. If a branch is going through the tree house, leave enough space so that the natural movement of the tree does not damage it.

Cut to size and place the wall covering with nails or screws. Check the remaining spaces and fill in. After checking one last time, you can proceed with the decoration according to your tastes.

Access to the treehouse and security

Another aspect to take into account is the safety of your children when entering the house. You need to provide them with a secure and resilient system. The most common options are:

  • The ladder with a rope.  It can be made using a rope and short sticks tied until they reach the ground. It can be a different and fun way to enter your home. Remember, this takes a lot of practice.
  • Ladder in hand. Make a normal ladder where you have to use your hands to climb quickly and easily.
  • The fixed scale. This ladder is the safest because it is anchored to your cabin. If you choose to build a ladder, try placing handrails on the sides for added safety.

The main risk of building a treehouse is falling (while playing or being distracted). You can take steps to reduce this risk. For example, you can build the house at a lower height. You can also build a bar or a fence around the platform. And install a smooth surface on the floor.

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