Tips For Naturally Repelling Cockroaches

The aromas of herbs keep cockroaches away. A few crushed bay leaves and a little mint where they usually appear will help you keep them away.

Cockroaches are a very unpleasant plague and it is difficult to eliminate them. These disgusting insects transmit disease and can contaminate our meals without our realizing it.

The most worrying thing is that they can hide in any place of the house and, in addition, they usually attack at late hours, during the night, when they do not sense our presence.

Want to get rid of cockroaches? There are many products on the market to get rid of cockroaches in record time.

However, these cockroach control products are often quite toxic and can affect our health and that of our pets.

That is why we are sharing here with you some homemade tips based on economical and effective ingredients to eliminate cockroaches.

Where in the house are cockroaches hiding?

Tips to get rid of cockroaches

Before you learn how to deal with cockroaches in a natural way, it helps to  know where they are most likely to hide during the day.

  • Grooves and cracks in kitchen and bathroom furniture.
  • In wooden furniture.
  • They can enter from the street through the small slits in the main door or windows.
  • They are found in the drains of sewers and in the plumbing of the kitchen, bathroom, washing machine, gas outlets, heating or air conditioning, electricity meters or false roofs, among others.
  • Cockroaches love to hide behind the refrigerator, in the oven, in the microwave and other appliances.
  • In cardboard boxes, drawers and storage places for clothes , papers, fabrics, pet food, among others.
  • Under the wooden floors.
  • In the rubble, on logs or in the trash.

What to do to eliminate cockroaches?

Tips against cockroaches

Homemade cockroach control products are a good option to kill cockroaches and keep them from coming back.

However, before applying these “remedies”, it is good to know that the hygiene of the house is an essential condition to put an end to this scourge once and for all.

  • To begin with, you need to plug the holes around the dishwasher, sink, shower, and sink. Keeping the kitchen and bathroom dry can also help.
  • Vacuum frequently under armchairs, beds, mattresses, eiderdowns, rugs and carpets and especially, in the hollows that exist between them and the walls.
  • Clean and shake well the drawers or shelves where you store your books, documents and clothes, among others.
  • Avoid leaving dirty plates in your kitchen or leftover food,  as this can attract cockroaches. Do not forget to close all your food, as well as that of your pets.

Cockroach Home Remedies

Laurel keeps cockroaches away

This simple remedy involves putting cut bay leaves in places where you suspect the presence of cockroaches.

They can’t stand the smell of bay leaves and tend to move away immediately.

Onion or boric acid

This remedy has become popular thanks to its effectiveness and its very low price.

It consists of forming a paste using half a finely chopped onion, half a cup of classic flour, a little beer or water, a pinch of sugar and 3 or 4 tablespoons of boric acid (which is can get in pharmacies).

It is advisable to keep pets away from this preparation because it can be toxic for them.

A mixture of sodium bicarbonate and sugar

Mix a cup of baking soda with a cup of sugar and spread this mixture throughout the house.

Cockroaches will be attracted to the sugar and eat the mixture. The sodium bicarbonate will give them gas and cause chaos in their interior. 


This natural ingredient is often used to make soap for washing clothes. Just spread borax all over the house, especially in areas where you think there are cockroaches.

Borax dehydrates them and kills them. A cockroach cannot be hydrated when its shell is damaged.


Sprinkle catnip in all areas of your home. This remedy has the same effects as bay leaf : cockroaches hate its smell and move away.

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