Water With Lemon And Flax Seeds: A Good Way To Lose Weight?

A water made from lemon and oat seeds will help to lose weight. Indeed, this drink contains properties that will calm hunger while eliminating toxins.

The drink which consists of water, lemon and flax seeds is a natural supplement which has become extremely popular for promoting weight loss. Although it is not an overnight fat-burning drink, regular consumption of it can provide you with many benefits.

Lemon, like flax seeds, have nutrients that will promote metabolism. By including them in your diet, you will reduce episodes of anxiety and facilitate the digestive and hepatic processes involved in weight loss.

Many people today want to learn how to prepare this drink. Indeed, it is extremely simple and helps fight against overweight. What are its main benefits? We will tell you in detail all the benefits that you can get by consuming this drink regularly.

Why is it recommended to drink water with lemon and flax seeds for weight loss?

Dieting is a complex process that can vary depending on the conditions of each organism. Although a good diet and the practice of regular physical activity are key elements in losing weight, some people can experience great difficulties.

water with lemon and oatmeal for weight loss

On the other hand, it is very difficult to change your habits from one moment to the next, especially when you have always been sedentary. You should also take into account that the metabolism does not work the same for everyone: some people can lose weight quickly while others cannot.

However, there are many supplements of natural origins that can be useful to achieve your goal without having to suffer. Thus, water with lemon and flax seeds  contains nutrients and has slimming powers.

Regular consumption of this drink not only cleanses the body, but will also improve your immunity and prevent the onset of several diseases. In addition, it can reduce the secretion of hunger hormones, thus helping to keep the body hydrated with few calories.

Benefits of lemon for weight loss

Lemon juice is one of the key ingredients for weight loss. Given its contributions of vitamins C and essential minerals, it is a dietary supplement that helps strengthen immune functions and improves physical condition.

Its diuretic, anti-oxidant and alkaline properties have long been praised. This drink is not only interesting for the body but also for the health. By consuming this drink regularly, you can fight inflammation and protect your tissues against several antigens that can interfere.

  • This drink contains antioxidants known as polyphenols, which will help reduce fat cells in the body.
  • Its citric acid will stimulate the secretion of bile, a substance produced in the vesicle to promote good digestion of lipids.
  • Thanks to its dietary fiber intake, this drink improves the digestion process and will inhibit hunger.
  • Also, this nutrient will help control bad cholesterol and reduce the risk of diabetes.

Benefits of flax seeds for weight loss


A lot of people have started to include flax seeds in their diet. When it became known that these were good for digestion and for controlling weight, these flakes were the subject of a craze.

  • They contain light doses of omega 3 fatty acids, recognized for their anti-inflammatory actions and their contributions at the cardiovascular level.
  • 28% of the weight of these flakes are dietary fibers, which will promote cholesterol control and digestion.
  • Its antioxidants will promote the cellular functioning of the organism and inhibit the deterioration caused by oxidative stress.
  • Flax seeds contain a high number of mucilage, a substance that helps regulate glucose in the blood.
  • Its enzymes make it easier to break down fat and proteins, so that they do not accumulate in the form of deposits in the body.

How to prepare the drink based on water and lemon with flax seeds for weight loss?

To get the most out of the slimming properties of these foods, there is nothing better than making a drink made with water, lemon and flax seeds. It is a drink that you can consume daily, and which will promote general well-being while promoting weight loss.


  • 4 cups of water (1 liter)
  • 2 tablespoons of flax seeds (20 g)
  • The juice of a lemon


  • Pour the cups of water into a saucepan and then boil.
  • Then add the flax seeds when the water starts to boil, then reduce the heat.
  • Cook for 3 to 4 minutes then remove from the heat.
  • Cover the pan with its lid and let stand.
  • Once the temperature allows the drink to be consumed, filter it then add the lemon juice.

Way of consuming

  • Drink a drink on an empty stomach.
  • Set aside 3 or 4 glasses of the drink.
  • Consume the drink 3 times a week.

Still haven’t included this drink in your diet? Do not hesitate to try it at home to discover for yourself the benefits it brings to the body!  As always, remember to eat a low fat diet and exercise regularly.

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