The Effects Of Drinking A Glass Of Water HALF AN HOUR Before Eating

Drinking more could make digestion difficult, so it is not advisable to exceed that glass of water or even half. It will help us digest fat better and fight constipation.

Drinking a glass of water – or less – half an hour before our daily meals produces significant health benefits.

We insist on the amount of less than one glass because it is advisable not to exceed this dose. Consuming, for example, half a liter of water before eating would make it difficult to digest food.

The key therefore lies in drinking a series of small sips of water to promote basic processes.

In addition, another important aspect is related to the fact of drinking while eating.

In reality, it is not a question of “good” or “bad” habits, but of a “recommendable” aspect.

Drinking excessively during meals can affect our gastric juices which would lose their effectiveness in breaking down food and eliminating possible bacteria ingested.

There is no risk, for example, if we drink a glass of wine with our meals.

However, to optimize digestion and take care of our daily well-being, it is advisable to drink a glass of water half an hour before meals.

We explain in this article all the benefits associated with this habit.

Why is it advisable to drink a glass of water half an hour before eating

Each of us can take this advice or not, for a very simple reason: we know how our body works and what makes it feel good.

For this reason in the first place, it is necessary to know how to listen to it, to recognize which changes are favorable to it and which habits it is better not to practice any more.

For our part, we recommend that you, if you are not already doing it, to find out for yourself how your body reacts if you apply this little advice: drink a glass of water at least 30 minutes before eating.

We are sure you will not be disappointed. And then, you don’t lose anything by trying for 15 days!

You will have more energy

a glass of water gives more energy

Drinking a glass of water before eating facilitates the correct hydration of our organism.

  • Such a simple habit that promotes cellular functioning and provides our body with adequate energy to start the most important of our day: digestion and the correct absorption of nutrients.
  • We also cannot forget that our brains and muscles have almost 75% water, while the kidneys and liver almost 70%.
  • We must take care of this homeostatic balance on a daily basis and regulate what we lose with what we consume. From there, as we indicated at the beginning, it is not a question of drinking two glasses of water in a row.

The most suitable is to drink small sips in such a way constant, without waiting to be thirsty . For that, this half hour before eating is one of the most important.

Promote weight loss

We have all heard that if we drink a glass of water before we eat we will lose weight. It is more than that, because by filling our stomachs with water, we will be less hungry.

You have to be careful with these ideas. Filling the stomach with water before eating to quell hunger can be very dangerous.

In our opinion, we advise you to drink only a glass or half a glass of water.

In this way, this advice will allow us to “promote” weight loss through four basic effects:

  • Improve digestion.
  • Digest and eliminate fat much better.
  • Fight constipation
  • Have a much cleaner body.

As an interesting information we recommend that you add a little lemon juice to this glass of water. You will see how good you will feel .

Much more beautiful skin

have more beautiful skin with a glass of water

Drinking water protects our internal and external health, that which is seen and noticed through our skin.

  • If we get used to drinking the purest water possible every day, our body benefits from one of the most powerful cleansing and depurative agents available: water.
  • The oxygen provided by water helps us maintain elastic and toned skin.

Thus, if we drink this small glass just before eating, we will digest food better and at the same time obtain more vitamins, minerals and oxygen.

All this will promote cell regeneration of our epidermis.

Other times of the day when it is recommended to drink a glass of water

woman getting out of bed

Try to get up a few minutes before your usual time.

In addition to this glass of water half an hour before meals, you will also get the benefits of drinking a few sips of water during the following times:

  • When you wake up in the morning, do not hesitate to drink a glass of lukewarm water.
  • Before taking a bath drink some water to reduce blood pressure.
  • Before going to sleep, take a drink to replace the loss of fluids that can occur during the night.

Do not hesitate to protect your body a little more thanks to the benefits of this practice.

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