How To Improve Your Respiratory Health With Garlic Honey

In order to achieve good results it is essential that we make sure that the ingredients are of the highest quality, otherwise they will not will not be as effective.

Find out how to prepare garlic honey for your health.

Respiratory health can be compromised due to the negative effects of environmental toxins, poor diet and other external agents that cause irritation and deterioration of their tissues.

Although each person can be affected in different ways, depending on the activity of their immune system, it is common to experience symptoms and conditions that affect our quality of life.

Most disturbing is that viruses and bacteria are able to generate infections and, in the most severe cases, cause inflammatory reactions that obstruct breathing and the passage of oxygen and nutrients through the lungs.

For this reason, it is important to improve lifestyle habits, trying to maintain a healthy diet that meets nutritional requirements to protect this system.

In addition, you can use some supplements made with natural ingredients, which strengthen the defenses while cleaning the airways.

On this occasion, we would like to recommend this mixture of honey and garlic, recognized for its antibiotic, expectorant and anti-inflammatory power.

It is an easy to prepare remedy that, for a small fee , will help you cure various lung and respiratory problems.

Don’t hesitate to try it!

Garlic honey to protect your respiratory health

Garlic honey is an ancient traditional remedy that has been used as an ally to fight major issues that affect respiratory health.

As its name suggests, it is made with honey from bees and garlic cloves, which allows us to obtain a natural syrup with antibiotic and detoxifying properties.

The benefits of honey

The benefits of garlic honey for the lungs.

Organic bee honey is a product recognized for its multiple medicinal, gastronomic and cosmetic applications.

  • It has been used for centuries as a basis for the development of natural remedies. In particular to fight against infections, respiratory problems and digestive difficulties.
  • It is an important source of enzymes and antioxidants which, together with its vitamins and minerals, help maintain active and strong defenses.
  • It contains natural sugars which increase the energy level of the body. Avoiding fatigue and accelerating recovery from discomfort caused by illnesses.
  • Its antiviral compounds and antibiotics help eliminate the microorganisms that cause infections. And, at the same time, to create a protective layer against future attacks.
  • It is also an expectorant and a natural anti-inflammatory. Which, among other things, calms the excessive production of mucus, sore throat as well as congestion.

The benefits of garlic

The health benefits of garlic for the lungs in garlic honey.

Due to its high content of essential nutrients, garlic is an ideal supplement for improving many aspects of health.

  • Although it can be used in many ways in cooking, its medicinal power has been used for thousands of years.
  • It contains an active substance known as allicin, which acts as an anti-inflammatory and an antibiotic. Aiding the relief of respiratory infections.
  • It helps stop the growth of a large amount of viruses and bacteria in the body. By preventing them from causing health complications.
  • It is a classic remedy for sore throats, sneezing and other respiratory symptoms. Because its contribution promotes the cleaning of the system.
  • It is attributed anticancer compounds. Which could benefit people who are at risk of developing lung cancer.
  • It serves to improve the health of patients with asthma, bronchitis. And other inflammatory diseases that chronically affect respiratory health.

How to prepare garlic honey at home?

Garlic honey remedy for healthy lungs.

To reap the full benefits of this garlic honey, it is very important that you make sure you buy 100% organic honey.

This is because refined honeys contain sugar and do not have the same nutritional value.


  • 3 cloves of garlic
  • 1 cup of honey (335 g)


  • Glass jar with lid
  • Wooden spoon


  • Crush the garlic cloves until you get a thick paste.
  • Pour them into the glass jar and cover them with the honey.
  • Stir the ingredients with a wooden utensil to distribute the garlic evenly.
  • Seal the bottle and place it in a cool, dark place for 7 days.

Way of consuming

  • After the recommended time has elapsed, take a spoonful of garlic honey on an empty stomach, every day.
  • In case of respiratory problems, take between 3 and 5 tablespoons per day.
  • If you want, you can add it to hot water to make it easier to consume.

Remember that, although it is not a miracle cure, this natural product can help you maintain strong defenses to avoid health problems requiring more care.

Follow the instructions and always keep it on hand to enjoy all of its benefits.

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