Hypersensitive People: 5 Reactions That Surprise Others

To understand very sensitive people it is important to try to put themselves in their shoes and, above all, not to judge them if we are not able to interpret their vision of the world.

Hypersensitive people can cause others to misunderstand. They are often perceived as too “excessive”.

This is quite normal, if we take into account that faced with a daily situation they respond automatically and unexpectedly in an exaggerated way.

However, judging before knowing what is going on often leads to misunderstandings. We don’t know how bad they are and why they have these kinds of reactions.

1. They can’t stand the pressure

Hypersensitive people

Accumulating many occupations can exhaust them. They prefer to focus on one task and give it their all. Moreover, they are often very creative people.

They work much better on their own and in a calm atmosphere. When this is not the case, stress arises and they are unable to be efficient and productive.

When there is noise around them or someone asks them to pay attention to several things, they start to feel blocked.

When this happens, hypersensitive people become irritable and with a difficult mood to bear.

2. They flee chaotic atmospheres

Hypersensitive people

In our society, chaos is generally well accepted. It seems that we are looking for noise, loud music, powerful stimuli that take us away from silence.

However, hypersensitive people shy away from all of this.

Receiving too many stimuli at the same time can seem unbearable to them. The smells, the noises, the interruptions… All of this eliminates the balance they had until now.

Sometimes they get to the point where they can’t take any noise like chewing or any tic someone might have.

The reaction they show to these “little things” is very intense and ends up upsetting the people around them, who do not understand the reason for their embarrassment.

3. They take things personally

For a person who is hypersensitive, most of the situations they experience are “personal”. This translates to because they are very empathetic.

They react in a very intense way to social injustices or to the harm that someone can do to another person for free.

This is also due to the fact that they are very attentive to detail. They are experts in the analysis of non-verbal language that communicates more than words.

Thanks to this, they will be able to detect if you are trustworthy, if you are hiding something from him …

They don’t like it and baffles more than one because, in general, people don’t tend to trust and analyze these micro-expressions that we all have.

Some will think it is their own imagination, others will try to tell them not to “take things personally”. But none of that will work …

4. They need solitude like the air they breathe

Hypersensitive people

This may come as a surprise to the rest of mortals, but in general people avoid being alone, are often afraid of feeling rejected by everything and everyone.

Nevertheless, very sensitive people seek solitude. This moment of peace and quiet during which nothing will affect them.

However, this can cause serious arguments from their friends, as it’s normal for them to decline invitations, turn off their phones all day long, or don’t feel like answering calls. messages.

This doesn’t mean that they don’t like spending time in company, but that they need more time for themselves than others. Feeling alone, without anyone … A situation that will sometimes cause problems in the relationships they have with others.

5. If they are in pain, they will not be the same

Hypersensitive people

The balance of extremely sensitive people does not come only from their interior, but also from their exterior. Maybe, because they are very tied to their body.

A headache or stomach ache, being hungry or any other disappointment can become unbearable and change their mood without any explanation.

All of this causes instant changes in their behaviors that baffle those around them.

It can be laborious to hang out with hypersensitive people because it is very difficult to put yourself in their shoes.

However, not judging, trying to ask to understand and open our mind to be able to see how they perceive the world, will help us.

Are you a hypersensitive person? Have you been close to someone with these characteristics?

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