5 Symptoms Of Omega-3 And Omega-6 Essential Fatty Acids

Omega-3 and omega-6 are two essential fatty acids that our body does not produce, but which he needs to carry out some of his functions. If we do not consume enough, the consequences can quickly be felt from a medical point of view.

Omega-3 and omega-6 essential fatty acids are essential for any healthy diet.

They are called so because we are unable to synthesize them. They are also basic building blocks of our cells.

You have perhaps never asked yourself the question of the reason for this qualifier of essential. However, we give you the answer!

As curious as it may sound, many people refuse to consume it. These fats are found in foods like:

  • The lawyers
  • Fish
  • The peanuts
  • Eggs
  • The olives

We are afraid to eat these foods because we think they make us gain weight. In fact, our body has a strong need for these healthy fats, which are essential for its functioning.

Before being stored, these fats facilitate multiple functions, processes, metabolizations and mediations, which are all fundamental mechanisms for our health.

We will suggest the following to you below: increase your consumption of omega-3 and omega-6 essential fatty acids today. You will see the beneficial effects of this healthy habit and your body will thank you.

Everything you need to know about omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids

Today we have many products on the market that are artificially enriched with omega-3 and omega-6, whether they are smoothies, plant milks or butters. Industrialists no longer hesitate to use it as a selling point.

This is a significant help, we cannot deny it. However, since our body does not produce it but nature takes care of it for us, it is better to opt for solutions that are not synthetic, by increasing our consumption of salmon, nuts, flax seeds or broccoli. .

  • Linoleic acid (LA or omega-6) is the most representative long chain fatty acid. It is present in seeds, dried fruits and oils, like that of sunflower.
  • On the other hand, omega-3 fatty acid is found more in blue fish, seafood, pulses, olive oil, nuts and almonds.
  • Omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids are structural components of the membranes of our cells. They serve as precursors to countless organic processes.
  • In addition, they are an important source of energy.

Symptoms of omega-3 and omega-6 deficiencyFatty acids

1. Dry skin

One of the most obvious clinical signs of an essential fatty acid deficiency is dry skin. This is a very common occurrence in children when they are very young because they are not eating as they should.

Many skin problems are linked to under-consumption of omega-3s and omega-6s. This deficiency is manifested in particular by sensitivity to infections and poor healing of wounds.

2. Premature births

Although the factors that significantly increase premature births of children are not entirely clear, the age of the mother, tobacco use, stress and a deficiency of omega-3 and omega-6 essential fatty acids seem to be part of it.

These fats indeed promote the proper development of the fetus during pregnancy.

They act as a kind of fuel of excellent quality, which allows the cells to form well and which influences whether the child will be born at term.

If the whole diet is decisive during pregnancy, elements such as vitamin D, calcium and essential fatty acids should absolutely not be missing in the diet of the mother-to-be.

3. Heart problems

Consuming foods rich in omega-6 greatly helps us create a protective barrier around our heart. This fat gives us energy and allows us to reduce two particularly sensitive levels: that of cholesterol and that of triglycerides.

For their part, omega-3 fatty acids reduce the risk of suffering from thrombosis and developing arteriosclerotic plaque, while helping us to regulate the inflammations that can affect us.

It is therefore very important to consume enough of these fats to keep our heart healthy.

4. Extreme fatigueFatty acids

Always remember the following: No slimming diet should completely exclude the consumption of fats, especially omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids.

If you follow such a diet, you will quickly run out of energy.

Most of our calories come from fat. It is therefore absolutely essential to consume it on a daily basis, in a reasoned manner.

It’s the easiest and healthiest way to get energy.

5. A greater risk of developing inflammatory diseasesFatty acids

When we talk about inflammatory diseases, we are particularly referring to rheumatoid arthritis.

Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids have the main quality of helping us relieve inflamed joints, as well as those affected by morning stiffness.

They reduce swelling and pain; they therefore act as real natural anti-inflammatory drugs. Keep one thing in mind: it is important to consume it daily. The benefits of these foods only come from regular and constant consumption.

Food cannot be fad or trendy: we must first think about our well-being and our quality of life.

So don’t hesitate to increase your daily dose of foods rich in essential fatty acids.

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