Tips To Give Volume To Your Lips

To relax our lips and prevent them from losing volume due to tension, we can practice facial exercises that will relax the area and we will allow to have more voluminous lips.

The shape and volume of the lips and mouth can vary in everyone. In addition, they also tend to lose volume over time, to the point of wanting to take cosmetics, or call for cosmetic surgery to remedy the problem.

In this article, we will give you some very simple and natural tips to give volume to your lips. You will be able to notice these changes in no time and enjoy a radiant and rejuvenated mouth, in harmony with your face.

Relax and tone the lips

One of the reasons why the lips become thinner over time is facial tension, and in particular that of our mouth. When we have emotional tensions, times of stress, we tend to clench our jaws and our mouths.

However, this prolonged contraction stimulates the muscles around the mouth giving it a finer appearance. Also, it is important that as soon as you realize that you are putting your lips together, you start to relax. You can also do the following exercise for 2 minutes every day: 

  1. Close your mouth. Squeeze your lips together tightly to the point of tucking them inside your mouth. Hold this position for 5-10 seconds.
  2. Then, take the pressure off, breathing deeply and pushing your lips exaggeratedly in front of you, much like a fish.
  3. Repeat this exercise 10 times and do it two to three times a day.

Relax and tone the mouth

You may notice after exercise that your lips gain volume and become redder. And this, in a natural way!

Improve circulation

Other exercises can help you improve circulation to the labial area. This will allow you to have the blood circulating well in your mouth and thus restore all its beauty:

  • Vibrate your lips by keeping your mouth closed, but not squeezing. Blow lightly and pulling outward (fish mouth). To help you in the good realization of the movement try to make the noise “brrrr”.

It seems like a game for children. But doing it for 20 to 30 seconds every day will improve your circulation.

Occasional exfoliation

The lips accumulate dead cells just like any other area of ​​the body. However, it is a much more delicate skin that must be treated with the greatest care.

This is why we recommend that you do an occasional exfoliation. Every two weeks or once a month.

To make this exfoliating cream, you will need sodium bicarbonate, which has a very fine texture. You will mix it with a little vegetable oil (olives, almonds, coconut,…) and you will massage them.

Do this preferably before bed to avoid spending the day with reddened lips from the massage. Finally rinse off the exfoliant, apply a little more oil on the lips and let sit overnight.

Moisturize your lips often

The mouth tends to dry out which significantly worsens its exterior appearance. Also, always make a point of hydrating yourself.

You can moisturize your mouth every morning and every evening with natural products. You can use a specific lip stick, or you can just use vegetable oil or pure cocoa butter.

When making a facial mask, take the opportunity to nourish your lips with the following foods:

  • Lawyer
  • Yogurt
  • Honey

Moisturize your mouth often

Learn how to massage your mouth

While you are hydrating them, you can also massage them in order to obtain the following benefits:

  • Improve hydration in depth
  • Improve circulation
  • Relax the muscles of the labial area
  • Give them more volume and color
  • May they be bright and attractive

How to do a lip massage?

  1. When you have your lips well hydrated, cover them with your hand and stretch them horizontally.
  2. Then do the same with the other hand.
  3. Repeat 10 times with each hand.

In other articles, we have already talked about how to learn to massage your face.

Also, if you have the time, we recommend that you do it every day for a few minutes in order to gradually improve the general appearance of your face and your skin, as well as prevent the appearance of wrinkles in a natural way. .

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