Signs Of Vitamin Deficiency

It is essential that we pay attention to the signals our body is sending us to repair internal imbalances.

The body is giving us signals all the time about what is wrong with it,  just like a car breaks down.
It is important to listen to these alerts in order to be able to repair internal imbalances in time. It can give us signs of vitamin deficiency.

Nowadays, with the diet adopted by most people, it is very difficult to meet all the daily vitamin requirements that the body needs. Not eating enough after incessant diets is also one of the causes that cause signs of vitamin deficiency that damage our body.

What are the signs of vitamin deficiency?

According to doctors, not consuming enough vitamins on a daily basis “sets the stage” for the onset of many diseases. That is to say, our body will have problems fulfilling all of its functions.

Vitamins play a role in all functions of our body. When they are in insufficient quantity, or of poor quality, the body can then behave quite strange, and it is important to be very careful with them.

The five signs of vitamin deficiency that our bodies can send to us are: 

1. The corners of the chapped lips

You observe that the corners of your lips are white, as if chapped. This may indicate that you are suffering from a deficiency of group B vitamins. Mainly riboflavin (B2), niacin (B3) and B12, as well as a lack of iron and zinc.

This deficiency is very common in vegetarians who do not follow a very balanced diet. The solution for omnivores is to eat more salmon, more eggs, more tuna. As well as more fish in general and seafood (oysters, mussels, etc.).

For those who do not eat meat, lentils, peanuts, sundried tomatoes, sesame seeds and chard are recommended.

In addition, it is excellent to consume vitamin C to promote the proper absorption of iron by the body. It is advisable to combine these foods with broccoli, cabbage, red pepper and cauliflower.

2. Rashes on the face and severe hair loss

This specific case indicates a zinc deficiency. Hair loss is a direct cause of the lack of this nutrient. This can also pose problems for healing wounds and for having well hydrated skin.

Zinc deficiency often causes rashes. With red spots on the skin and bruises at the slightest contact of the skin with another surface. These symptoms are also found in deficiencies of vitamin B7 (biotin) and fat soluble vitamins, i.e. vitamins A, D, E and K.

If you consume raw eggs, it is likely that you are having problems with your biotin levels because the egg contains a protein that inhibits this substance.

The solution to this problem is to consume brewer’s yeast, dried fruits, squash seeds, whole grains, dairy products (unpasteurized), salmon, avocado, cauliflower, mushrooms. , raspberries and bananas.

signs of vitamin deficiency, consuming avocado

3. Red and white pimples on the cheeks, arms

This indicates a lack of essential fatty acids and vitamins A and D groups. Unlike acne, these pimples have a more resistant consistency. They hurt quite a bit and it is difficult to eliminate them because they form like little balls of fat.

The solution to this deficiency is to stop consuming saturated or trans fats. And in addition to increasing its consumption of healthy fats.

Add salmon, flax, chia and hemp seeds to your daily diet, as well as dried fruits. If you wish, consume more vitamin A which is found in carrots, sweet potatoes and red peppers, thus filling your body with beta-carotene.

4. Ants and ankylosis in the hands and feet

These signs of vitamin deficiency indicate a deficiency in vitamin B, mainly vitamin B6, B9 (folic acid) and B12. When we don’t have these nutrients in our body, peripheral nerves and skin are affected.

This deficiency can lead to depression, strong anxiety, fatigue. But also to anemia and hormonal imbalances. The solution is to eat more spinach, asparagus, beans, eggs, oysters, mussels, octopus and clams.

5. Cramps and pain in the feet, calves, and thighs

This is due to a lack of potassium, calcium and magnesium. Sometimes only one of these minerals is missing, sometimes all three.

If you have started intense sports training, you may lose more minerals and water-soluble vitamins (from group B) through heavy sweating.

Keep playing sports if you like it. But try to consume the following ingredients on a daily basis : bananas, hazelnuts, almonds, squash, cherries, apples, broccoli, grapefruits, kale, dandelion and spinach.

signs of vitamin deficiency: chronic fatigue

The consequences of signs of vitamin deficiency

In addition to these five signs of vitamin deficiency, we are going to introduce you to other problems associated with an unbalanced diet.

Vitamin A deficiency

Vitamin A deficiency leads to fatigue, poor vision at night, and poor skin and teeth. The teeth tend to suffer from pathologies and the gums to become more sensitive.

Vitamin B deficiency

  • If you lack vitamin B1, the symptoms are: insomnia, fatigue, muscle weakness. As well as depression, irritability, weight loss, gastrointestinal and heart problems. If you have vitamin B2 deficiency:  red sore eyes, lesions in the mouth and on the tongue, oily hair, dermatitis and laziness.
  • Vitamin B3 deficiency leads to headaches and a lack of energy. As well as bad breath, nervousness, a lack of appetite and gastrointestinal problems.
  • If you are low on vitamin B5,  you will experience cramps, burning skin, cardiac arrhythmias, vomiting, and trouble sleeping.
  • Lack of vitamin B6 causes insomnia, anemia, skin problems, hair loss, cramps, and fluid retention.
  • A vitamin B12 deficiency  leads to fatigue, diarrhea, balance problems. As well as depression, lack of appetite, inflammation of the nerves, and pain in the mouth and on the tongue.

Vitamin C deficiency

A deficiency of vitamins in the body can cause problems healing wounds and fractures. It is also common to suffer from bleeding from the nose and gums. Painful and inflamed joints, digestive problems, anemia and very frequent bruising.

Vitamin D deficiency

Lack of vitamin D generates fragility of the bones, problems to properly weld the skeleton. But also rickets, cavities, kidney stones, significant muscle weakness and poor absorption of calcium.

Vitamin E deficiency

A deficiency in this vitamin causes anemia, degenerative heart disease, impaired fertility. As well as a certain nervousness, a decrease in reflexes and difficulty in maintaining a balance when standing and walking.

It is essential to listen to your body in order to quickly detect the signs of a vitamin deficiency.

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