Natural Remedies For Gastritis

Rice water, rich in minerals and vitamins, is a traditional remedy for gastritis.

If you have ever needed a cure for  gastritis, you know the pain and discomfort that results from day to day. Inflammation of the stomach, irritation, burns… Very acute symptoms which take time to disappear.

How can we cure her? The doctor will always be the one who prescribes the most appropriate treatment for us.

However, it can be supplemented with simple natural, economical and effective remedies that always offer good results. Do you know what it is?

1. The parsley drink to treat gastritis

Parsley to treat gastritis.

Treatment with parsley is very effective in solving gastritis problems. A remedy as old as it is simple that it is worth putting into practice during the days when the discomfort is greatest.

You should know that parsley has many wonderful properties, like the following:

  • It is a natural source rich in vitamins A, B, C, E and K.
  • Parsley is an excellent diuretic, very suitable thanks to its healing properties at the level of digestion.
  • It calms heartburn, inflammation and gas. It allows the rest of the entire digestive and intestinal tract.

To benefit from its virtues, all you need to do is prepare an infusion. How to do ? It is very simple ! Follow the following rules:

  • Make a juice with 150 grams of parsley and a liter of water.
  • Then let the mixture sit for two hours.
  • Once the time is up, filter the water and put it in a glass bottle, in the shade. Drink this remedy throughout the day and at room temperature. The water should neither be cold nor hot.

2. Rice water

Rice water to treat gastritis.

Rice water is another very traditional remedy for gastritis, which you have surely heard of before. It reduces inflammation, pain, gas and that annoying pressure in the stomach. It should also not be forgotten that rice water is very rich in minerals and vitamins.

How to prepare it? It is very simple. Just put a liter of water to boil and add 150 grams of rice. Let cook normally, then separate the water from the rice. Drink it throughout the day, always at room temperature. Easy, right?

3. Carrot and celery juice

Carrot to treat gastritis.

Do you know what is the secret of these two wonderful vegetables? Carrot and celery work as two excellent anti-inflammatories. They reduce heartburn, reduce the feeling of bloating and, moreover, provide us with rich minerals and vitamins.

If you have ever suffered from gastritis, you will surely remember the lack of appetite, nausea and that feeling of weakness. This natural juice will act as a good restorative. To benefit from all its properties, follow the following rules:

  • Take two carrots and two stalks of celery.
  • Wash them well and put in the blender with a glass of water (250 ml).
  • You get a very homogeneous and delicious juice. Drink it at lunch or dinner time.

4. Apple and chamomile infusion

Apple to treat gastritis.

This mixture may surprise you, but be aware that this is a truly medicinal remedy that should be used every time you suffer from gastritis. Do you want to know why?

  • The apple infusion relaxes the stomach, calms the acidity, relieves the stomach and heals gastritis.
  • This infusion allows us to cure any type of infection.
  • This remedy is very suitable when, for example, we feel nausea.

To prepare this simple homemade treat, you need a raw apple, peeled and cut into pieces. You must boil a glass of water in the teapot (250 ml). Once it comes to a boil, add the apple and a sachet of chamomile tea.

Boil the mixture several times. It is necessary that the apple cooks for at least 20 minutes. Once ready, let the infusion sit and cool. Filter it and collect only the water. Drink it at room temperature in the morning. It is delicious!

5. Pear and ginger juice to cure gastritis

Ginger to treat gastritis.
You may have already tasted the famous pear and ginger jam. It’s a delicious snack for any dessert, rich and healthy. In addition to this pleasant taste, you should know that it is a perfect remedy for treating gastritis. We explain to you: 

  • Mixing the pear with the ginger allows us to treat both inflammation and pain. You already know that ginger acts as a natural pain reliever: it is a herbal remedy capable of relieving stomach pain.
  • Pear is a very suitable fruit to eat when we are suffering from gastritis. Rich in minerals and vitamins, it is very easy to digest, has fiber and also helps us reduce inflammation.
  • To carry out this small treatment, make a decoction very similar to the previous option concerning the apple. Peel and cut the pear and put it in 300 ml of water to cook. Add in addition 20 grams of ginger. Leave to cook, then pass the mixture through the blender. Once the juice is homogeneous, drink it little by little. Ideal for dinners.

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