13 Problems Caused By Insufficient Water Consumption

Find out the 13 problems caused by insufficient water consumption.

All your life, you have surely been recommended to drink more water every day, to keep your body perfectly hydrated and to prevent many diseases. It is indeed important to pay attention to your water consumption.

However, many people are oblivious to the importance of drinking water every day. They also ignore the role that this element plays for our body.

Although many ignore it, a large part of the health problems and disorders that develop in humans stems from a lack of hydration and low water intake.

We are therefore going to present to you 13 problems that are caused directly by dehydration and lack of water in the body. Something to make you want to increase your water consumption.


When we don’t consume enough water, our body becomes dehydrated. Thus, the rate of enzyme activity is reduced and fatigue also appears.

Fatigue is a health problem that makes us feel like we have low energy. Indeed, it makes us listless for long periods of time.

Premature aging

Premature aging and water consumption

Our body is made up of more than 60% water. In addition, our organs largely depend on this vital element to function properly.

Drinking enough water every day helps our body fight free radicals.  It also helps prevent premature aging of organs and skin.

Overweight and obesity and water consumption

Even if water does not burn fat and make us lose weight, it is nevertheless obvious that it plays a very important role within a slimming diet.

Indeed, water consumption stimulates the elimination of toxins and waste. It also gives a feeling of fullness which is important for maintaining the rate of metabolism.

When we don’t drink enough water, we rob our body of all of its benefits.

Arterial hyper and hypotension

The consumption of water is very important to allow the elimination of toxins from the body through the blood stream, and to facilitate circulation.

Our circulatory system needs water to function properly. This is because the volume of blood contained in the body is not sufficient to fill all the arteries, all the veins and all the blood vessels.

Bad cholesterol

Dehydration causes excessive drainage of fluids from within cells. The body will therefore try to fight against this phenomenon by producing more cholesterol.

The constipation

In order for stool to form properly, and for it to be properly eliminated, it is necessary to have enough fluid in the body to transport food waste and lubricate it.

When we suffer from chronic dehydration, there is not enough fluid in the body to flush out waste, and constipation problems start to appear.

Diseases of the digestive system

Lack of water in the body causes the secretion of digestive juices to decrease, and this causes serious stomach problems, such as gastritis and ulcers.

Breathing problems and your water intake

Water is an essential element for having a strong immune system, and for preventing respiratory diseases.

The mucous membranes of the respiratory zone are slightly moist, to be able to provide a protective layer against the pollutants contained in the air, which can cause various respiratory problems.

PH imbalance

Drinking enough water is necessary to keep the blood pH balanced.

Diet, and many other factors, can cause acidity in the body, which can lead to various health problems.

Eczema and water consumption


Our body needs a significant amount of fluids to be able to sweat between 500 to 700 ml of water per day.

Through this amount of sweat, the body eliminates a large number of toxins and wastes, which can cause skin irritation if they are not removed. 

Urinary tract infections

Kidney function, as well as the entire urinary system, is largely dependent on your water intake.

When we are in a state of dehydration, and we do not provide enough water to our urinary tract, we are prone to suffer from different types of urinary tract infections such as cystitis.

In this case, it is quite easy to know that the body is lacking in water, because the urine turns a dark color and it is very smelly.



Lack of hydration leads to the accumulation of toxins in our body and especially in the blood stream, which causes various diseases.

Numerous studies have shown that a lack of water in the body can significantly increase the pain of diseases like rheumatoid arthritis.

Brain damage

Dehydration can cause an imbalance between basic electrolytes like sodium and potassium.

The deficiency can thus have serious consequences, such as cardiovascular disorders for example. This is why it is important to pay attention to your water intake.

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