Natural Remedies To Erase Scars

Aloe vera hydrates and restores elasticity to the skin, while rosehip oil regenerates the skin and helps in healing.

We need to start treating a scar ASAP! It is not just an aesthetic question: we have to help our skin to regenerate completely.

There are several ways to erase scars: we can help ourselves with foods rich in vitamins and minerals, or we can prepare ourselves a natural ointment. It will then be applied every day until the scar disappears.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A, or beta-carotene, helps maintain beautiful skin. It also promotes healing. So we can eat foods that contain it. Most of them are orange in color. Here are a few :

  • The carrot
  • Pumpkin
  • Potato
  • Spinach
  • Broccoli
  • Apricot
  • The melon

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is a source of energy and light. It acts on our skin thanks to its 4 important properties: antioxidant, regenerative, moisturizing and revitalizing. It therefore facilitates the healing process.

Indeed, it accelerates the creation of new skin cells while boosting the excretion of aged cells.

Foods rich in vitamin C:

  • Citrus fruits
  • Acerola
  • Red fruits
  • Red pepper
  • Parsley
  • The kiwi
  • Broccoli

We can also take vitamin C supplements. Some are very natural. Mention may be made, for example, of those made from acerola powder. The body responds better to this type of supplement.


To have a perfect cellular functioning of the organism, and therefore of the skin, there is a very important supplement: it is silicon. It is the first mineral that we think of when discussing the health of the skin, hair and even nails.

Many firming creams use it among their ingredients. Indeed, silicon considerably improves the elasticity of the skin.

Foods rich in silicon:

  • Avocado
  • Alfalfa
  • Whole rice
  • Horsetail
  • Onion
  • Whole oats
  • The cucumber
  • Leeks
  • Beet
  • Cheese

We can also consume organic liquid silicon, an essential trace element that is essential for human health. It is also a real elixir of beauty. We recommend that you consume it organic for better assimilation.

A natural ointment to treat a scar

You can also prepare a natural cream using healing and regenerating ingredients:

  • Aloe vera: if you have a plant, you can directly extract the jelly from the inside. If we don’t have it, just buy a natural aloe gel.
  • Rosehip oil
  • Lavender essential oil
  • Finally, vitamin E (we can get it in capsules sold in pharmacies or herbalists)

Combine as much aloe vera as rosehip oil (about 50 ml of each ingredient) in a glass container. Then add 10 drops of lavender essential oil and 10 drops of vitamin E, which acts as a preservative.

It must be stirred well with a wooden utensil. To better preserve the preparation, it can also be put in the refrigerator.

So we just have to apply it at least twice a day, morning and evening.

Painful scars

When a scar is painful, we recommend using hypericum oil. We can also prepare it ourselves. How? ‘Or’ What ?

Just soak St. John’s Wort leaves in olive oil. You have to do this in the open air and for about thirty days. The oil will then take on a reddish color. It will be applied two or three times a day to the scar.

In addition, this oil also allows us to reduce shocks and burns.

We can also take homeopathic doses of Hypericum 6C. Three granules under the tongue three times a day. Be careful, take away meals and strong flavors (mint toothpaste, coffee, etc.)

Difficult healing

When healing and / or regeneration is difficult, we can apply arnica cream. It is sold in pharmacies, but also at herbalists.

We can also follow the homeopathic remedy Arnica 6CH, in the same way as indicated above.

Honey and propolis, two ancient remedies

honey vinaigrette recipe

Bees therefore offer us two natural and economical solutions, but above all excellent for regenerating the skin.

Indeed, honey is a food with many benefits. Mention may in particular be made of the fact that it is a powerful moisturizer, antioxidant and antibiotic. It is very often used in skin masks.

Likewise, it can be used in treatments to heal scars. This requires applying organic honey for at least ten minutes, three times a day. Treatment should be done daily.

Propolis was already used in ancient Egypt for its antiseptic and healing properties. It is often used to fight against many skin diseases. Aristotle even nicknamed it “remedy for skin infections, wounds and suppurations”.

If we apply propolis to the scar every day, and if we also consume it orally, we can succeed in rapidly regenerating our skin. The scars will therefore be much less visible.

We can also buy a cream made from propolis from herbalists. This natural cream will therefore not cause inflammation, unlike conventional chemical creams which generally cause it .

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  • TeensHealth from Nemours (2019).
  • Biblioteca de Salud, Sanitas (2020).
  • Mariel Carlderón- Oliver, María Alejandra Quiñones Pena & José Pedraza-Chaverri (2011). Efectos benéficos del Aloe en la Salud. Vertientes.
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