11 Signs Of Liver Poisoning

The liver is an important organ in the human body. But it is so sensitive that it can be easily affected by inflammatory processes, drugs, genetic defects, toxic industrial substances and even some natural elements.

The liver is the main organ involved in the work of purging nutrients, drugs and other toxic substances. In other words, it’s a great filter that separates toxic nutrients before they reach the blood and other tissues. However, in some people, some substances cannot be purified and this causes poisoning of the liver.

What is liver poisoning?

Hepatotoxicity is defined as damage to the liver caused by exposure to a drug or certain non-pharmacological agents.

The liver’s ability to filter substances makes it vulnerable to the phenomena of toxicity.

Currently, liver poisoning is a major health problem in the United States and Europe. The increase in the number of people with this condition has led to the suspension and withdrawal of certain substances from the market in an attempt to stop the problem.

Among the liver toxins are:

  • A large number of medications (mainly antibiotics and anti-inflammatories)
  • Certain industrial or natural substances (for example: mushrooms, green tea in case of excessive consumption, etc.) which cause an abnormal reaction in the body.

What are the symptoms ?

woman suffering from food poisoning

The symptoms are very similar to cases of viral hepatitis.

In the case of liver poisoning due to drugs, there are some symptoms typical of  liver disease, that is, diseases that prevent the liver from functioning properly.

Some of the most common symptoms are:

  • Yellowed skin
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Changes in stool color
  • Urine darker than usual
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Abdominal pain and swelling
  • Fever
  • Loss of appetite
  • Itches
  • The appearance of hematomas

In some people, no symptoms appear. However, this disease is usually identified a few hours after exposure to certain predictable liver toxins.

Conversely, in the case of unpredictable hepatic toxicants, symptoms can take weeks or even months.

What products are linked to liver poisoning?


some drugs can cause liver poisoning

A list of drugs with proven toxicity for the liver has been drawn up by a Spanish pharmacovigilance agency, in collaboration with the Spanish government. It can be useful to check whether the herbal medicines that we consume may be harmful to our health.

Nutritional and herbalist supplements

Contrary to popular belief, some herbal remedies pose a risk of liver toxicity. Combination products are also not recommended.

Here are some of them:

  • Morinda citrifollia
  • Viscus album
  • Valeriana officinalis Cinnamomum camphora
  • Aloe vera
  • Wisteria max

The mushrooms

Some mushrooms contain toxins. They are hepatotoxic toxins, that is, they cause the death of cells and tissues in the liver and kidneys.

Their effects can include:

  • Stomach pain
  • Vomiting
  • Nausea
  • Bleeding

Without proper medical care, death can result from cardiac arrest within two days.

Drugs and chemical agents

These substances include cocaine, ecstasy, pesticides, herbicides, vinyl chloride and contaminated food.

How to carry out the diagnosis?

There is no concrete evidence to definitively diagnose the existence of toxic hepatitis.

That is why, due to the similarity of symptoms, it is necessary to carry out some medical tests to exclude that it is the consequence of hepatitis due to a virus or some other cause.


Apart from acetyl-cysteine, a substance that purifies the liver of its toxins in the event of poisoning by the administration of large amounts of paracetamol, there is no specific treatment or miracle antidote to counteract it. the problem.

A basic measure is to eliminate the suspicious substance, treat symptoms such as vomiting, rest and avoid substances that complicate the clinical picture.


Symptoms of liver toxicity usually improve when the toxicant is suspended.

However, if the disease does not stop, it can cause irreversible liver failure, leading to cirrhosis.

As you can see, the consequences of liver poisoning can be serious. Therefore, it is important to quickly identify the symptoms related to this pathology in order to avoid health complications.

If you have identified any signs, do not hesitate to consult the doctor.

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