Beetroot Juice To Improve Brain Health

Beets are rich in antioxidants which, in addition to fighting free radicals, prevent the accumulation of fat. Since it is rich in sugars, you should also avoid consuming it if you have diabetes.

According to work published in the journal Biology and Chemistry, beet juice improves brain health thanks to compounds like nitric acid.

On this site, we often tell you about the great benefits of natural juices, which we prepare ourselves in our robots and which do not contain any chemical element or preservative.

One of the natural remedies that we should take throughout the week is, without a doubt, beet juice.

The latter stimulates cardiac processes and is an excellent booster for brain health.

We encourage you to include it in your breakfasts or dinners. Find out all the information about beets in the following article.

Beet juice: an ally for our brain

Beet juice for the brain.

According to the study of the journal Biology and Chemistry, carried out by scientists from the University of Oxford (United Kingdom), regular consumption of beets has a positive impact on our health and protects us from diseases like Alzheimer’s. 

Now let’s take a look at the most interesting aspects.

Beetroot, rich in antioxidants and nitric acid

The power of beetroot juice to boost brain health lies mainly in its high content of antioxidants, vitamin C and especially nitric acid.

If you’ve never heard of this component, we explain how it works:

  • Nitric acid strengthens the immune system and helps us fight bacteria that attack the brain and destroy cells and tissues to promote the onset of dementia.
  • It allows us to regulate arterial pressure by dilating the arteries. Thanks to this, we fight against the development of strokes.
  • It reduces inflammation.
  • Improves the quality of sleep.
  • Stimulates the senses such as sight or smell.

Beet juice gives us resistance and energy

You should know that our brain needs almost 20% of the total energy that the body receives.

  • Therefore, not having a good breakfast reduces our performance, causes us to drop our attention and impairs our productivity. Fatigue and headaches then appear quickly.
  • Starting the day with beetroot juice accompanied by an apple or a few grapes is a great way to start the day with energy.
  • Nitric acid also provides strength and resistance to our brains. Although the energy it gives us is reduced after two or three hours, combining it with antioxidants boosts its effects.

Beet juice fights hypertension

According to a study from Connolly Hospital in Dublin (Ireland), regular consumption of beet juice can provide the following benefits:

  • Nitric acid relaxes the blood vessels in our body and this allows us to reduce hypertension as well as to enjoy better heart and brain health.
  • The inorganic nitrate found in beets helps us regulate blood pressure, which can also be obtained in green vegetables like spinach.

Beets allow us to reduce inflammation

Beet juice and its high levels of antioxidants, allow us to fight against inflammation of the tissues and protect them against the attack of free radicals.

In addition,  beets reduce the effect of chemicals harmful to DNA, which can promote the development of tumors.

The best beetroot juices to start the day

Beet, carrot and apple juice


  • 1 beet
  • 1 green apple
  • A carrot
  • 1 glass of water (200 ml)


To enjoy this juice, simply put the cooked beetroot, the green apple cut into pieces, a carrot and a glass of water in the blender.

Mix and drink this drink for breakfast. It is a medicinal remedy that will improve your health. He’s worth the pain !

Beet and lemon juice


  • 1 beet
  • The juice of a lemon
  • 1 glass of water (200 ml)


  • This natural juice is very good for cleaning the body, promoting liver health and strengthening the immune system.
  • To prepare it, just squeeze the lemon, put it in the blender and add the water and the beetroot cut into pieces.
    You will get a homogeneous drink with a crimson red color, which you can enjoy for breakfast.

Remember that beets are one of the tubers with the most sugar, which is why they are not recommended for people with diabetes.

If this is your case, consult your doctor or a nutritionist.

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