How To Treat Intestinal Worms?

They are known as amoeba, tapeworm, parasites or tapeworm. So you would like to know how to treat intestinal worms? Then read this article to learn more about it.

Information on intestinal worms

The parasites that inhabit our intestines are grouped into colonies and thus live at our expense. Indeed, they compete with us for the consumption of nutrients and food and can therefore generate many problems in us.

Intestinal worms can then be microscopic or several centimeters in length.

Among them, we can therefore evoke protozoa or amoeba (which is transmitted by contaminated water), criptosporidia (when the person has weak immune defenses), g iardia intestinalis (transmitted through food, water or fecal matter).

Among the intestinal worms that can be observed without a microscope, are therefore the a ncylostoms (which feed on blood), whipworms (which destroy the intestinal walls) …

But also roundworm lumbricoides (which can measure up to 30 meters in length and which lodge in the small intestine), enterobius vermicularis (which mainly attack children), tapeworm or finally tapeworm (due to consumption raw pork)

What are the causes of intestinal parasites?

  • A fragile immune system
  • and an excess of junk food
  • High blood pressure
  • But also an emotional depression
  • Stress peaks
  • A lack of hygiene when cooking
  • Or the infected raw food
  • Failure to wash your hands before eating
  • Failure to wash your hands after using the toilet
  • And follow a nutrient-deficient diet
  • Finally, walk barefoot in infected places

What are the symptoms related to the existence of these parasites?

  • Anemia
  • General pallor 
  • and colic
  • Or headaches 
  • Tiredness
  • Slimming 
  • and intense cough
  • Grinding your teeth 
  • Fever
  • And the lack of appetite
  • Sleeping with your eyes open
  • Or vomiting 
  • Insomnia
  • Itching in the buttocks and anus
  • And an irritable or violent mood

How to prevent intestinal parasites?

Have good personal hygiene

Always wash your hands when you go out of the toilet, when you have been on the street, when you have received money, before you start cooking, or finally after changing a baby’s diaper, etc.

Eat a healthy and balanced diet

In this way, the immune system will not be weakened and you will avoid catching worms via any of the routes mentioned above. Eat more vitamin C and A.

Boil the water

If you are not sure whether the water is drinkable, for example in a foreign country, it is best to boil it. Otherwise, drink bottled water and pay attention to its color or taste.

Wash food well

Especially foods that you eat raw, such as fruits or vegetables. Try not to eat raw meat.

intestinal worms

Natural remedies for intestinal worms

In the event that you have intestinal worms, it is necessary to do a treatment as quickly as possible to expel them from your body and that they do not grow, neither in size nor in quantity, since they therefore reproduce. very quickly.

Then follow a detox diet to expel the worms.

If the affected person is an adult, he must therefore eat for two or three days, pineapple and two cloves of garlic (one on an empty stomach and the other at midday), nothing more.

She should also drink two liters of water with several drops of lemon juice, and then prepare parsley infusions (drink about 2 liters during the day).

In this way, the parasites will weaken and can thus be eliminated more quickly.

Be careful, do not forget that during the treatment, it is better not to leave your home, because then you will surely suffer from colitis or diarrhea.

However, you can reduce their effects by drinking rice water (the one you use to cook it, after draining). 

After this detox, also eat a healthy diet for five more days.

Do not consume white flours, refined sugars, dairy products, fried products or meat. So keep drinking plenty of water, eat raw vegetables and get rest.

If a child is affected by intestinal parasites, then have him ingest fresh garlic on an empty stomach.

So you can crush it and mix it with lemon. Then follow this diet for a week, during which he will eat only vegetables and fruits (in many quantities if he is hungry).

Other home remedies for intestinal worms

Recipe # 1 for intestinal parasites


  • 3 cloves of garlic
  • and 1 cup of hot water (250 ml)

How to prepare it?

Put the peeled and cut garlic cloves in hot water and let stand overnight. Then drink the mixture in the morning on an empty stomach.

Recipe # 2 for intestinal parasites


  • ½ spoonful of thyme
  • and ½ spoonful of gentian root
  • then, ½ spoonful of Roman chamomile
  • and ½ cup of water (125 ml)

How to prepare it?

Boil the water with the herbs for 10 minutes. Then turn off the heat and let sit for another 10 minutes. Drink this drink on an empty stomach, for 10 days in a row (for children) or 20 days (for adults).

Recipe # 3 for intestinal parasites


  • 1 bunch of mint
  • then, 1 liter of water
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • and ¼ cup of milk 

How to prepare it? 

First, boil the mint in water and filter. Then, mix the garlic cloves with the milk, let cool and drink immediately. However, it is necessary to consume the mixture before having breakfast.

Recipe # 4 for intestinal parasites


  • 2 tablespoons of pumpkin seeds
  • and ½ cup of lukewarm water (125 ml)

How to prepare it?

So mix the two ingredients and drink the resulting mixture on an empty stomach.

Recipe # 5 for intestinal parasites


  • ¼ cup of milk (62 ml)
  • and 4 zucchini seeds

How to prepare it?

First, grind the seeds and melt them with the lukewarm milk. Drink the mixture before breakfast, for a week.

Recipe # 6 for intestinal parasites


  • ¼ cup of orange juice (62 ml)
  • then, 2 tablespoons of papaya juice
  • and 2 tablespoons of olive oil

How to prepare it? 

First, mix all the ingredients and drink the preparation in the morning, to eliminate the worms.

Recipe # 7 for intestinal parasites

Olive oil against intestinal worms


  • First 500 ml of extra virgin olive oil
  • and 60 g of the dry wormwood plant

How to prepare it?

First, let the two ingredients macerate in an opaque and airtight container for 10 days. Then, once the time has elapsed, consume two tablespoons per day, on an empty stomach.

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