Find Out The Importance Of Having A First Aid Kit At Home

Find out the importance of having a first aid kit at home and what it should contain so that you can use it use in case of accidents! So take note.

There are things we definitely cannot predict. And despite the fact that we are very careful, accidents can happen. The only thing we can do is prepare for it. But what does this really represent? This is when we start talking about the existence and importance of the first aid kit.

Do you know where the idea of ​​the first aid kit came from? Well, it’s from Ancient Egypt. At that time, it was considered that having a “saw box” that contained this tool was necessary in order to be able to cut bones when needed.

It was subsequently, during the First and Second World Wars that the famous kit containing medical tools became popular. It has become a container intended to contain several drugs and primary assistance equipment, necessary to come to the aid of injuries, bleeding or burns, among other emergencies.

Today, the first aid kit is a common tool in many homes. If you don’t have one at home, we’ll give you a good reason to have one. In addition, we will also tell you how to prepare it.

What is a first aid kit?

Remember that a first aid kit is a small box or suitcase that is easy to carry and light. This means that you will be able to carry inside only essential instruments during a medical emergency.

aid kit

In view of this, we recommend the following to you; you must assess the importance and relevance of all the products that you put in the first aid kit.  It should preferably be waterproof. Don’t hide it. On the contrary, it is better for it to be in plain sight of any member of the family. Be careful, however, that it is out of the reach of children.

Try to renew the drugs in the first aid kit every year. Therefore, avoid storing damaged or expired medicines or instruments. Likewise, try to renew whatever you may have used so that it is always well equipped.

Reasons to have a first aid kit at home

1. In prevention

As we said before, accidents can happen at any time. Therefore, having instruments that will help you deal with a medical emergency is a must in any home. And what we just said is 3 times more important if you have children.

This of course happens because children do not understand the consequences of their actions. On the contrary, they just want to have fun. They are the ones who are the most victims of accidents, falls, burns and injuries.

2. It can save lives

Preparing for natural disasters is another big reason to have a first aid kit in the house. In the event of an earthquake or hurricane, for example, the first aid kit can save your life, but also that of those around you.

Being able to rely on certain tools can mean a big change in extreme situations.

How to prepare an ideal first aid kit for the home?

  • Pliers
  • Alcohol
  • Cotton
  • Dressings
  • Scissors
  • Infusions
  • Antacids
  • Antipyretics
  • Thermometer
  • Latex gloves
  • Wet towels
  • Oxygenated water
  • Tincture of iodine
  • Sedatives
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Soap or disinfectant gel
  • Ointment to soothe burns
  • Anti-allergic or antihistamines
  • Sterile gauze and bandages
  • Syringes and needles (at least one or two)
  • Mask (at least one per family member)
  • Emergency services telephone numbers

In addition to the medicines already mentioned, we recommend, in the event that a family member suffers from an illness, to add the medicines for his treatment to your kit. Everyone can prepare their own first aid kit.

It is ideal to have a first aid kit at home that can be useful to all members of the family. But it is never too much, if there are special needs in the family, to plan two: a basic kit and another specific. Here are some things you can add to everything we’ve already mentioned before:

  • Lamp
  • Change of clothing
  • Matches or lighter
  • Non-perishable foods
  • Blanket
  • Copies of your identity papers

If you also have babies at home, it may be a good idea to include some special products for them in your first aid kit. For example, extra diapers and some extra tools for basic baby care. There you have it, now you know why it is important to have a first aid kit at home!

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