7 Reasons To Detoxify Your Liver

There are many factors in our daily life that can affect the health of our liver, such as diet or air pollution. It is therefore essential to purify it regularly.

In recent years, natural remedies and lifestyle habits have been put forward for their ability to detoxify our liver, in order to stimulate its functioning.

Some people are aware of this problem and cleanse their liver from time to time. Most people don’t know, however, that it is important to do this.

To fully understand the importance of detoxifying our liver, we must first realize that it is one of the most important organs in our body.

Indeed, it filters the toxins that accumulate there, it purifies our blood, it synthesizes the proteins that we consume and participate in other vital processes, such as metabolism.

Even though the liver has the capacity to cleanse itself, it is often overworked, due to the unhealthy lifestyle that the modern world often imposes on us.

This conjunction of factors therefore ends up causing various health problems.

It is therefore important to stimulate the liver and provide it with all the substances it needs to stay in perfect working order.

In the rest of this article, we’re going to share with you the top 7 reasons why you need to detox your liver more regularly. Discover them with us!

1. Consumption of bad fats and processed foods

Unfortunately, most of the ingredients we consume on a daily basis are processed and contain a high amount of saturated fat.

The liver actively participates in the metabolism of fats. If it is overworked, it cannot function adequately.

This situation can cause various disorders, such as fatty liver syndrome, overweight, obesity and an accumulation of lipids in the blood.

Among the foods that are dangerous for our liver, we find:

  • Canned foods
  • The cold cuts
  • The fried foods
  • Red meat

2. Consumption of processed carbohydrates

Excessive consumption of processed carbohydrates raises blood sugar levels to very high levels, forcing the liver to work excessively to flush out all the superfluous and stabilize blood sugar.

Among these foods are:

  • Sodas
  • Pasta
  • White bread
  • The biscuits
  • Cakes

3. Air pollution

Even if you have adopted a healthy diet in your daily life, it does not protect you from the air pollution which reigns everywhere.

Unfortunately, it is impossible not to absorb toxic agents in the air, in cleaning chemicals or near factories.

4. Overweight

People who want to lose weight need to be very careful with their liver.

When this organ encounters difficulties in its functioning, the entire metabolism of the body slows down.

This can cause some difficulty in burning calories.

In addition, being overweight is usually linked to high blood sugar levels. This overdose of sugar, far from turning into energy, becomes fat and accumulates in various parts of the body.

5. Nutrient deficiency

If you follow a diet low in fruits, vegetables and grains, sooner or later you will suffer from a nutritional deficiency.

Low levels of vitamins, minerals and other substances essential for the proper functioning of the body affect liver function, as well as all other parts of the body.

Getting the following nutrients into your liver is essential:

  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin B
  • Folic acid
  • Vitamin E
  • Calcium
  • Water

6. Alcohol and drug abuse

Excessive consumption of these substances can seriously poison the liver, and seriously affect its functioning.

In the medium to long term, the severe damage alcohol and drugs cause to the liver can lead to cirrhosis, or acute fatty liver syndrome.

7. Gallstones

Gallstones are solid deposits that form within the gallbladder, as well as in the liver. They can be the size of a grain of sand, but can also look like a golf ball.

If you are not careful with your cholesterol or bilirubin levels, you are bound to develop these stones.

They need to be treated quickly, as they can block some blood vessels, causing severe pain and preventing the liver from working properly.

In addition to removing accumulated toxins, a detoxification of this organ can allow you to destroy the stones that are starting to form in your body.

Among all the alternative medicine remedies that exist, you are going to find herbal teas, smoothies and other types of treatments specially designed to detox your liver.

Be sure to watch your diet and start replacing foods that can poison you with fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and other healthy ingredients.

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