Prevention And Treatment Of An Ingrown Toenail

Ingrown toenail affects about 15% of people at some point in their life. To ensure prevention, it is important to know the risk factors and apply a series of specific treatments.

Onicocriptosis, or an ingrown toenail, usually presents on the big toe of the foot, although it can also affect another toe. It appears when the nail penetrates the skin of the toe and produces pain as well as inflammation.

Prevention of ingrown toenail

In order to prevent the appearance of ingrown toenails, it is necessary to know the root causes. There are 2 types of  factors that predispose to the onset of this condition:

  • Congenital factors: these are those which are determined by the morphology of the person’s foot. The most common alterations are the birth of the broad nail and disorders of the distal phalanx of the toe or the shape of the nail.
  • Triggering factors: these are the external mechanisms that promote the penetration of the nail into the skin of the toe. The most common are incorrect use of the nail clippers, inadequate footwear and trauma

Prevention therefore aims to avoid trigger factors. To do this, it is recommended to follow the tips that we present to you in the rest of this article.

1.  Wearing shoes adapted to our morphology and our type of walk

Wearing shoes that are too narrow will increase the pressure on the toes. Especially on the big and the small. The nail can then dig into the skin and cause pain and inflammation.

Therefore,  it is essential to choose shoes that are wide enough. And avoid heels which put pressure on the toes due to the inclination of the foot or pointed shoes.

Another factor that can trigger ingrown toenails is not factoring in how we walk when shopping for shoes. Indeed,  the way of walking can affect the lateral part of the nail. 

In order to prevent this problem, it is better to study walking and  choose shoes according to our needs. Or can also use special insoles to reduce pressure points.

Pain can be caused by an ingrown toenail

2. Proper hygiene and nail cutting

The most common cause of onicocriptosis is improper nail cutting. If this is your case, discover below a series of tips for daily foot hygiene and foot care.

Keep feet dry and clean

It is essential to pay attention to the drying of the feet  when you get out of the shower and not to leave them wet for too long. In addition, it is better to use a special soap and linger on any place where dirt can accumulate.

Cut nails

It is necessary to follow these recommendations so that the nail cut is correct and does not promote ingrown toenails:

  • First of all, it is advisable to  put the feet in hot water  so that the nails soften and are easier to cut
  • Then,   they must be cut in a straight line: in fact ,  if the sides of the nail are rounded, they can grow by bending and penetrate the skin.
  • In addition, it is important to  file the nails carefully  so as not to leave any pits or particles that could penetrate the skin.
  • Finally, use the right tools:  a straight and precise nail clipper or scissors,  not curved.

Dry your feet well to avoid the appearance of an ingrown toenail

Treatment of an ingrown nail

There are 2 types of treatment for an ingrown toenail: surgical treatment and traditional treatment

Traditional treatment

This treatment can be applied  if there is no presence of granuloma. It is a reddish-colored protrusion in the affected area. It is formed by blood vessels which tend to bleed when rubbing.

In addition, it consists in making a smooth cut on the edge of the nail in  order to remove the spicule which has entered the skin. Thereafter, it is recommended to apply care so that  the wound closes without becoming infected, as  well as nail rehabilitation techniques to promote the correct growth of the nail.

Surgical treatment

If granuloma is present, and if traditional treatment is not sufficient, outpatient surgery is usually applied. There are several techniques for operating on an ingrown nail. However,  generally, the ungual layer is totally or partially extirpated  as well as the corresponding germinal zone. Therefore, the problem is definitely fixed.

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