How To Fight Inflammation And Intestinal Gas With Aloe Vera And Papaya

The laxative properties of aloe vera combine with the carminative properties of papaya in a unique remedy, ideal for en end with gas and other digestive problems.

Consuming too much food can cause digestive problems, manifesting itself with symptoms such as inflammation, pain, and intestinal gas.

These little bowel problems can negatively interfere with daily tasks, and although these discomforts are usually mild, they tend to have complications when not given enough attention.

Among other things, the appearance of these symptoms  indicates that the intestinal bacteria are out of control and, in addition, that there is an imbalance in the pH of the digestive system.

The good news is that  it can be controlled in a natural way, since there are alternative remedies that support the digestive process and the regulation of the intestinal flora.

We are therefore taking the opportunity to share with you a natural aloe vera and papaya treatment which, once ingested, significantly reduces inflammation and intestinal gas.

Aloe vera and papaya remedy to fight inflammation and intestinal gas

Both aloe vera gel and papaya have multiple properties that help improve stomach function.

Rich in natural fiber and digestive enzymes, this home remedy is a great supplement to relieve inflammation and intestinal gas.

The benefits of aloe veraintestinal gas

The crystals in aloe vera leaves have been used for hundreds of years to support gut health.

  • This ingredient is a concentrate of B vitamins, nutrients that stimulate mineral absorption and aid digestion.
  • There is a supply of vitamins A, essential amino acids and enzymes, which participate in digestive work.
  • Certain substances such as aloemodyne and allomithin help to heal tissue in cases of gastritis, ulcers and excess acid.
  • Aloe vera is credited with laxative properties, ideal for  improving bowel activity in cases of constipation.
  • Aloe vera has antiviral and antibacterial properties that help reduce the risk of intestinal infections.
  • Its anti-inflammatory effects fight indigestion and the feeling of heaviness and bloating.
  • Aloe vera nourishes the microbial flora of the intestine and, in the process, decreases the production of gas.

The benefits of papaya

Papaya is a tropical fruit with a soft texture which, thanks to its delicate flavor, is part of the regular diet of millions of people.

  • Papaya stands out for its significant supply of essential nutrients, including vitamins A, B and C, potassium and dietary fiber.
  • It contains an enzyme called papain, which acts as an anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and detoxifier.
  • This substance promotes the relief of digestive problems because it helps speed up digestion and protein assimilation.
  • It is an effective remedy for intestinal laziness. Indeed, aloe vera prevents the accumulation of waste inside and facilitates transit.
  • Its compounds improve the healing process of stomach tissues, especially in the case of ulcers and gastritis.
  • Aloe vera also prevents and fights acid reflux.
  • It decreases the swelling of the abdomen and acts as a carminative in case of intestinal gas.
  • Aloe vera fights infection from intestinal parasites and helps strengthen the immune system.

How to prepare this remedy based on aloe vera and papaya?

Aloe vera and papaya home remedy is a healthy drink that, in addition to aiding digestion, improves skin and hair health.

Its nutrients are easily assimilated by the body and, when it comes to regulating the pH of the blood, this drink helps eliminate toxins.


  • 5 tablespoons of fresh aloe vera gel (75 g)
  • 3 slices of papaya
  • 2 tablespoons of honey (50 g)
  • 1 glass of water (200 ml)


  • Cut an aloe vera leaf then extract the equivalent of 5 tablespoons of its gel.
  • Cut the papaya slices into several cubes then put them in a blender with the aloe, honey and a glass of water.
  • Then mix all the ingredients for a few minutes or until you get a smooth drink.
  • Serve and consume minute.


  • To detoxify your body, consume the drink on an empty stomach, for 7 or 10 days.
  • If you have inflammation or gas, take your home remedy up to 2 times a day.
  • Drink it on an empty stomach, and at least 3 times a week if you have ulcers or gastritis.

Ready to make this homemade drink? If you have slow digestion, or suffer from inflammation from eating too much, combine these two wonderful ingredients and take advantage of its properties.

Include this remedy in your daily regimen if you suffer from recurring bowel pain.

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