8 Tips That Will Help You Overcome Lower Back Pain The Natural Way

Often, without realizing it, we adopt impossible postures in front of the computer, working or even walking. The lower back is directly affected by these bad positions.

Lower back pain is one of the disorders that most people suffer from, especially when leading a sedentary lifestyle.

They are characterized by an uncomfortable feeling of tension and rigidity in the lower back area, sometimes accompanied by tingling and difficulty in movement.

Their onset can occur as a result of poor posture while walking or sitting, although it can also be a sign of joint, bone or muscle problems.

Although there are many conventional treatments available to minimize the severity of these symptoms, it is prudent to follow  certain recommendations to deal with them naturally.

Since anyone can suffer from it, we want to share with you in this article the 8 useful tips for relieving lower back pain.

1. Improve body position for the lower back

Improve body position for the lower back.

Maintaining a good body position is a simple and healthy habit that allows you to reduce the frequency of lower back pain.

This basic measure keeps the muscles in their place and helps them give better support to the spine.

In this way, the figure improves aesthetically and physical and mental exercise increases during daily activities.

2. Practice physical exercise

While staying at rest can help reduce pain when you are under high tension, exercising and stretching can help relieve and reduce their repetitive occurrences.

These activities improve the circulation of blood and, at the same time, increase the strength of muscles and bones to prevent injury or deterioration.

3. Fight excess weight for the lower back

Fight excess weight for the lower back.

Sedentarism and the resulting overweight is closely linked to ongoing episodes of lower back and joint pain.

Indeed, the muscles have to exert more effort to support the too much body mass.

Therefore, to overcome these characteristic pains, one must lose weight.

To achieve this we must improve our diet and adopt good habits such as physical exercise.

4. Use a tennis ball

Many physiotherapists and physical trainers use tennis balls as a therapeutic component to reduce lower back pain.

By placing the body on the tennis ball on a firm surface one can achieve slow movements which, in addition to improving circulation, calm stiffness and tension.

5. Lift the legs for the lower back

Lift the legs for the lower back.

A simple technique like lifting your legs when you get home can relax your back to avoid the feeling of pain and fatigue.

This exercise activates the circulation from the lower part of the body and optimizes oxygenation of the muscles and blood flow.

It is necessary to practice it in a convenient place, trying to keep the back straight and use a firm support.

6. Sleep well

Having a good quality of sleep is closely linked to pain, which very often interferes with daily activities.

Those who sleep less than 7 hours a day tend to suffer from lower back pain more than those who follow an appropriate sleep schedule.

This is due to the fact that during a period of rest the muscles relax and the circulation of the back, neck and shoulders improves.

Obviously, it is essential to check the posture while sleeping, because a bad position can cause undesirable effects.

7. Drink calming infusions for the lower back

Drink calming infusions for the lower back.

Consuming herbal teas with anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties is a 100% natural way to control lower back pain.

The active compounds in some spices and plants block the body’s inflammatory response. And especially help to reduce muscle stiffness.

Faced with the first signs of pain, do not hesitate to consume these infusions:

  • Turmeric
  • Ginger
  • Lavender
  • chilli pepper
  • Orange peel
  • Mint
  • Licorice
  • Fennel
  • Chamomile

8. Apply cold and hot compresses on the lower back

Therapies with cold and hot compresses are a good solution to reduce muscle pain that affects the lower back.

These alternately applied temperatures improve blood flow to the affected area and lower levels of inflammation.

In addition, they can be supplemented with the properties of certain plants or essential oils which promote their soothing effects.

Do you frequently suffer from these disorders? Practice all of the tips we just gave you. And control lower back pain without resorting to more expensive treatments.

However, if the pain persists, see your doctor to determine the source.

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