Coconut Almond Biscuits: A Quick And Healthy Recipe

Although we always associate homemade desserts with gourmet foods or those that cause us to gain weight, there are options delicious and healthy, like coconut and almond cookies.

Confectionery and other small snacks seem to suffer from an overwhelming reputation. In other words, since sweet preparations contain a lot of sugar, gluten, wheat, etc., they are considered unhealthy. However, coconut and almond cookies are a healthy and delicious preparation.

In fact, part of the promulgation of the myth stems from ignorance. Wheat flour, for example, is considered to be an element contributing to weight gain or excess carbohydrate. However, we need to start debunking these preconceptions which can be very controversial.

While it is true that many sweets or desserts start from a similar base of ingredients that contain the aforementioned elements, that does not mean that these must be detrimental to your health or diet. It is known that the consumption of calories, proteins and nutrients that your body receives on a daily basis determines your physical appearance, your weight, your type of physical condition and, of course, your general health.

Therefore, it is time to be honest and to promulgate the truth in the preparations and the recipes, and at ImproveTaSanté, we are 100% transparent about our recipes. So you can feel good and try these coconut almond cookies without risk to your health or diet.

Healthy coconut almond cookie recipe

Some facts about coconut and almond

coconut cookie recipe

When it comes to coconut, there are several things you should know. First, this fruit is actually a seed used for its richness in water, carbohydrates and vitamins B and C, essential for the skin. In addition, this one:

  • Reduces blood pressure
  • Lowers triglycerides
  • Improves heart health
  • Is ideal for internal body hygiene
  • Cleanses the kidneys
  • Relieves vomiting, gas and urinary problems

Almond, on the other hand, is a seed well known around the world because it is ideal for fighting constipation, rich in energy and recommended for fighting anemia and certain allergies. It stands out for its contributions to the treatment of bones and even as an antioxidant, because it:

  • Contains a lot of minerals (phosphorus, manganese and magnesium)
  • Presents vitamins B and E
  • Is rich in fiber
  • Gives perfect oil for healthy skin

The two have been combined and used separately in cooking in almost every part of the world. And, aside from being considered healthy, they’re great for the prep we’re about to show you.

How to prepare your coconut and almond cookies

almond cookie recipe

You will see that they do not waste too much time and, after doing them at home, the result will be unbeatable. This is a simple preparation for a really healthy and very nutritious dessert, thanks to these fantastic ingredients that will help you satisfy your cravings and nourish you at the same time.


  • 1 cup of almonds (150 g)
  • 1 cup of grated coconut (120 g)
  • 6 or 8 pieces of pitted dates
  • ½ cup of water (125 ml)
  • 1 tablespoon of vanilla extract (15 ml)
  • 2 pinches of brown sugar


  1. Start by cutting the coconut in half. This process can take a while because the shell is extremely stiff and hard.
  2. In addition, you must be very careful with the tool you use for this purpose. Try to be helped by a second person, if only to hold your coconut in place.
  3. Once the previous step has been completed, it is time to extract the pulp. Reserve it then grate it.
  4. Then crush the almonds. Be patient and do this until you get that powdered texture. This will be the basis of your cookies.
  5. Then, with the ready and extracted coconut pulp, start to grate it and assimilate it with the ground almonds powder.
  6. Your two ingredients will go in a medium bowl, along with the water and vanilla extract.
  7. Then you will add the dates (previously crushed) in the bowl and you will start to shape the dough of your cookies.
  8. For this, you will need to mix well with water and with your hands all the ingredients to form a homogeneous mass.
  9. Finally, on a baking sheet, shape your cookies and decorate with pieces of almonds, then place them in the oven at medium temperature for 7 minutes.
  10. Once past the indicated time, remove, let cool a little and it’s ready! You can accompany it with milk or the drink of your choice.

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