The Plank: The Perfect Exercise To Have A Flat Stomach

Even if at the start it will be difficult for us to hold out for a long time doing the plank, it is important not to be discouraged and to continue to practice it in order to gain resistance and obtain multiple benefits.

Do you know the board? It is part of the new techniques which, over time, improve the routines of physical training in order to have a better performance. The world of fitness is at its peak and a new culture of taking care of yourself and your diet has emerged among the population.

In this article we invite you to discover, if you do not yet know it, a new routine to have a flat stomach: the plank. A method that has arrived in force in all gyms and can also be practiced at home, without having to buy accessories. So, motivated?

The board: what is it? the board

Plank (in English) also receives the name of anaerobic plank or horizontal plank. These are static strength exercises, without moving, the objective of which is muscle contraction through the use of resistance. In this way we increase muscle strength and the size of the muscles involved.

In this isometric exercise, the muscles of the torso are working, the abdominals, the glutes, the back, the arms and even the hips and legs. And thanks to these comprehensive results and the ease of movement to practice, it has become one of the must-have routines for every workout in any gym.

However, it is important to note that we can also practice it at home.

How to achieve it?

For an optimal performance of the exercised muscles, it is very important that the posture is as correct as possible. Otherwise we will not obtain the expected results.

People with low back weakness should take special care to keep the abdomen as tight as possible during exercise.

In addition, it is advisable to work this routine gradually. So, we will start with one minute intervals until over time we can get up to 5 minutes.

Steps and tips for making the plank

  • Lie on your stomach.
  • Bend your elbows 90 °, at shoulder height.
  • Raise the body, the weight of which will be distributed over the forearms and the balls of the feet.
  • You need to draw a straight line with your body from head to toe.
  • You should squeeze your abdomen throughout the exercise, but not hold your breath.
  • Resist in this tension for as long as you can, or that you have given yourself.
  • Repeat the exercise 3 or 4 times.

Benefits for the body

There is no doubt that the daily practice of the board is very good to stay in physical shape:

This exercise strengthens the abdominals

The plank technique is a specific exercise for the development of the abdominal muscles. It works especially the lower and lateral part of the abdominals, and helps us to have a flat stomach.

It is not surprising that in boxing this method is often trained for its direct impact on the abdominals.

It develops the muscles of the back

The plank strengthens the muscles of the back, shoulders and neck.

By strengthening the para-vertebral muscles, we make it possible for the vertebrae to lift less weight.

It improves posturethe board

The plank can significantly improve our posture because its daily practice allows us to keep the back straighter. In addition, with this exercise we help prevent low back pain and above all, stabilize the spine in the lumbar area to avoid pain.

However, we must remember that it is fundamental to carry out it correctly and to follow all the indications, because otherwise we could worsen the pains.

It tones the buttocks and legs

One of the other areas toned with this exercise are the buttocks. With the plank you will increase the volume of the buttocks and you will strengthen the hamstring muscles, that is to say the back of the legs.

Strong legs are essential for good posture.

He draws the arms

By maintaining the weight of our body, the arms are strengthened. In this way, we avoid the muscle weakness and flaccidity that worries so much women from a certain age.

In addition, we get results without having to lift weights and without gaining muscle volume.

It cannot be denied that the appearance of the board opens up a multitude of possibilities for us to improve our physical form. Give it a try!

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