Loving Does Not Mean Possessing

When we realize that love is not the possession of another person, we can have a much more fulfilling relationship without fear or submission.

When we fall in love, we feel that the other person is an integral part of our life and we never want to leave them again. This feeling can sometimes become a necessity. We must therefore learn, however difficult it may be, to love without a feeling of ownership, without seeking to own.

Sometimes we love a person so much that we believe we are the masters of their life by wanting to dominate all of their actions. We therefore make the mistake of wanting to transform his personality and his way of thinking, to feel more comfortable and secure in the relationship.

First, it is essential to analyze whether the love we feel is toxic or whether it is a peaceful relationship. But when it hurts us a lot, we have to start accepting that at some point this unhealthy relationship has to end.

The moment of separation own

We know that this stage of love is very painful. At such times, we experience great mourning that it is important to accept.

It is advisable, even if it seems impossible, to end a relationship in the friendliest way possible; this way we can avoid hurting the other person even more.

It is very difficult to accept that you have to separate from a person when you really love them. However, we must understand that you cannot own someone and that loving does not mean possessing.

A romantic relationship must be given by mutual decision between two people. One cannot own another without that person really wanting to. When you really love, you have to let the other go, if you have to.

Symptoms we encounter when we leave a loved one

It is very painful to let go of the person we love; one feels very intense symptoms against which it is necessary to fight. For many of us, it is difficult to understand why we leave someone if it is truly true love.

Among the consequences of this process are dreaded symptoms, such as sleeplessness and heartbreaking pain in the soul.

There may also be cases of:

  • Headache
  • Loss of appetite
  • Bad mood
  • Severe depression

The best decision: to love does not mean to possess

Separation is always scary because you have to go through the whole healing process that is causing you pain. However, if you think about it, it is better to go through it all than to live in continual suffering.

We have to start by realizing that anything can happen. And that no matter how much we love someone else, we can’t own them. You have to understand that it is much nicer to see the person you love being happy. Instead of going through torture with your necks.

If we understand this and accept it, it will be much easier to make this decision and meet this challenge. We will probably feel a lot better over time.

It is very heartwarming to see the person you love happy, even if they are no longer in your life.

You only have beautiful memories about this person, the learning, the experiences and something very precious: you mostly remember that this person helped you to know true love.

It is necessary to learn that love does not last forever from the physical point of view, even if it does on the inside.

When entering into a relationship, we should always start with positive thoughts, always keeping in mind that we are not the owners of others. We need to understand that life unfolds and that during this relationship a lot can happen.

It is true that during the relationship, what we think less about is a possible separation. The ideal is always to prepare for the best, but also for the worst that can always arise.

In life there are stages, and we must pass them while enjoying each moment, and without regretting a stage which has passed. Other opportunities will come, and probably better.

A momentary or final separation?

Life can surprise us and bring together two people who really love each other again. Even though it may take many years. Those who believe in fate say that if a person is meant to be with another, everything will bring them back to them one day or another.

The important thing is to analyze these mistakes and learn from them, then consider them as strengths to restart a new relationship. If you work at it, you keep the passion that was hidden in the separation process.

However, if reconciliation does not occur, we must thank this person for being the means to experience this great love.

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