Mycosis On The Feet? 3 Remedies To Eliminate Them Permanently!

In addition to treatments, prevention is fundamental to eliminate yeast infection on the feet: wear cotton socks and put your feet in the sun.

One day you realize that your feet are itching like never before. In fact, it’s been a while since you noticed some discomfort in this area, but you didn’t give it much importance.

However, one day it irritates you so much that you want to go home to take your shoes off. Finally you do it and, what do you find?

The skin has lost its smoothness, now it is rougher than usual and some nails have a weird color.

Even if you don’t believe it, this is a much more common scene than you think and of course you will have recognized it if you have yeast infection on your feet, or what is called “ athlete’s foot ”.

Although this is a very common problem, many people who suffer from it feel a certain shame as popular tradition associates them with a lack of personal hygiene. However, there is no reason why this should be the case.

We are talking about an infection that occurs because of excess moisture. Also, it is not a question of a lack of hygiene, but of perspiration.

This is where we have to look for the origin of these yeast infections on your feet. Proceeding from this fact, the remedies you use to eliminate them should promote this process and act as antiseptics.

So you link cause and effect.

3 remedies to eliminate yeast infection on the feet

1. Preparation with apple vinegar

Vinegar against fungal infections on the feet.

Apple vinegar is a very powerful natural antibiotic. When it comes to an infection, resorting to it is a very good option.

However, the remedy we offer includes ingredients that are ideal supplements for any antibiotic.


  • 2 lemons
  • 3 cloves of garlic
  • 1/2 glass of water (100 ml)
  • 1 sprig of rosemary
  • 1 glass of vinegar (200 ml)


  • Cut the lemons into slices and remove the skin from the garlic.
  • Bring the water to a boil with the lemons, garlic and rosemary and let it steep for a few minutes.
  • Then remove from heat so that the mixture cools.
  • Once cooled, add the vinegar and mix well. Filter.


  • Before applying it to your feet, try to clean the area well.
  • To do this, use natural soap and water then dry them well. Remember that humidity is fatal.
  • Then apply the preparation whenever you need it until the infection is gone.

2. Tea tree oil for foot fungus

Tea tree oil against fungal infections on the feet.

When you have yeast infections on your feet, they don’t always accumulate on the skin. In fact, it is more common for them to focus on the nails. You will not notice their purplish color.

Sometimes you will even see them breaking down little by little. If you have noticed these symptoms, tea tree oil is the best option.

Its greatest benefit is that it works directly against whatever is causing you this infection, which not only helps alleviate the symptoms, but also ends the problem.

Many people who suffer from this problem complain that once it appears, yeast infection regularly returns.

However, tea tree oil is very effective in preventing future episodes, precisely because of its ability to attack the trigger.

You can buy it in herbalists and it is even found in supermarkets.

3. Lavender oil

Lavender against fungal infections on the feet.

Lavender oil is very effective antifungal but, in addition to its healing properties, it also provides a protective layer.

So, despite your tendency to suffer from this type of problem, you will have an ally against it.

  • To apply it, use the measuring cup and put 3 drops on the affected area then let it dry 3 times a day.
  • Remember to wash and dry the front feet well, otherwise the remedy will lose its potency.

As with tea tree oil, you can find it in supermarkets and health food stores.

Latest recommendations

In closing, we would like to remind you that prevention is essential for this problem. As we said, try to avoid humidity and let the foot breathe as much as possible.

For this, use cotton socks and put your feet in the sun, when you have the opportunity.

With these two simple actions, we will hinder, in large part, the survival of microorganisms.

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