5 Ways To Increase Your Iron Level In The Blood

To increase the level of iron in the blood, you should avoid food combinations that make it difficult to absorb it and increase the amounts of iron. other foods that promote it.

Iron is a trace element essential for the formation of hemoglobin and red blood cells. Therefore, having the correct iron levels in the blood is vital for a healthy body.

When iron levels in the blood drop, the lack of oxygen in the tissues causes weakness, fatigue, and illnesses like anemia. If your doctor has told you that you have an iron deficiency, then follow the advice we give you below.

1. Eat foods rich in iron

To maintain optimal levels of iron in the blood, it is necessary to maintain a balanced and healthy diet.

The main cause of low iron content in the blood is poor nutrition. Since iron is a mineral, it is naturally found in foods of animal and plant origin.

  • Iron from foods of animal origin is most easily absorbed by the body. The main source is meat (especially red meat).
  • Iron obtained from foods of plant origin is absorbed in very low amounts, although it is always a good idea to consume them. The best options are therefore legumes, green leafy vegetables and also dried fruits.

iron levels in the blood

2. Increase your intake of foods rich in vitamin C

In order for iron to be absorbed by the body, it must be converted into ferritin. This process occurs thanks to the action of gastric juices which contain hydrochloric acid and thanks to the presence of vitamin C. For this reason, it is therefore necessary to include acidic foods rich in vitamin C such as lemon, orange, strawberries, broccoli and peppers in your daily diet.

Although vitamin C is of great importance for the immune system and for better absorption of iron in the body, its excessive intake leads to folic acid deficiency. Ideally, you should eat a maximum of two citrus fruits per day.

3. Moderate the consumption of iron-inhibiting foods

Just as there are some foods that help increase your blood iron levels, there are others that prevent it. If your doctor has diagnosed you with anemia or iron deficiency, avoid these foods:

  • Eggs.  The phosvitin they contain prevents the body from absorbing iron from plant sources.
  • Milk. Calcium in dairy products inhibits the absorption of iron from animal and plant sources when consuming more than 300 mg per day.
  • Tea. The oxalate in tea affects the absorption of iron from plant sources. It is not recommended to consume it at the same time as foods rich in iron.
  • Cocoa and coffee. Phenolic compounds in cocoa and coffee inhibit the absorption of iron from plant sources.
  • Dried fruits. Phytates found in nuts and other seeds act as strong inhibitors and can reduce iron absorption by 50-65%.

4. Take iron supplements if you are pregnant or prescribed by your doctor.

If you are pregnant, it is therefore recommended that you take iron supplements to meet your body’s energy needs and the fetus’ iron needs for proper development. Talk to your doctor to find out what is best for you. 

Depending on the cause of your low blood iron levels, consult your doctor before taking any supplements. This is because not all supplements are necessary and therefore not all are suitable for everyone.

If you were diagnosed with iron deficiency a few months ago and find out that you are pregnant, see your doctor for a blood test. This will help you know if you need more than just adjusting your diet.

5. Avoid eating large amounts of dietary fiber

Dietary fiber has important functions in the body because it regulates digestion, helps lower blood cholesterol levels, and protects you against certain chronic diseases, such as colon neoplasia.

Although consuming them provides excellent benefits to the body, too much fiber is counterproductive when the iron level in the blood is low.

Thanks to its laxative action, iron passes through the digestive tract more quickly and its absorption is reduced. This means that the iron is retained in the stool and cannot be absorbed.

iron levels in the blood

A salad to increase your iron intake

Although these tips are very simple, you may not know where to start to increase your iron levels in your blood. In that case, we recommend you try this salad.


  • 1 cup of arugula (100 g).
  • 1 cup of spinach (100 g).
  • Lean red beef (150 g).
  • grapefruit  in segments, without skin or seeds.
  • Salt and freshly ground pepper (a pinch, to taste)


  • Season the steak or piece of meat and roast it.
  • Then chop the roasted meat into small pieces that are easy to handle.
  • In a bowl, also mix the meat, vegetables and grapefruit.
  • Season with a little salt and freshly ground pepper and eat immediately.

Take care of yourself and always eat healthy

iron levels in the blood

Low intake of iron-rich foods can lead to anemia, among other complications.  However, it’s not about incorporating large amounts of this nutrient overnight, but finding a way to introduce it, more frequently, in a balanced way.

Remember to always heed the doctor’s instructions because it is he who can best advise you in terms of well-being. He knows indeed what is best for your health.

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