10 Benefits Of Drinking Water On An Empty Stomach

one of the best habits we can adopt on a daily basis is to drink a glass of water on an empty stomach.

It may not seem important, but it is certain that the fact of drinking water right after getting up, is the best time of the day to consume this liquid so precious to our body.

When you rest, your body performs important functions to repair damaged cells, and it performs internal cleansing to flush toxins from the body.

It is for this reason that water plays a very important role as soon as you wake up.

A large glass of water in the morning helps to stimulate the elimination of toxins that have been separated from other elements of the body during the night, by lymphatic drainage.

Many people opt for other types of drinks to accompany their morning awakening.

However, the most recommended liquid is water, because it brings many benefits to the body.

In this article, we are going to share with you the 10 benefits of drinking water on an empty stomach.

Drinking water on an empty stomach protects the skin

Drinking water on an empty stomach helps to lose weight without dieting

Drinking water on an empty stomach helps boost the health and beauty of your skin.

Indeed, our body needs to be well hydrated to get started properly in the morning.

By drinking a glass of water as soon as you wake up, you will strengthen your skin cells and eliminate the toxins that have accumulated there.

You will also help your skin to maintain all its elasticity, in order to stay young and wrinkle-free.

It acts as a diuretic

To eliminate toxins and wastes from our kidneys, it is important to stimulate the functioning of our lymphatic system by drinking enough water.

Water on an empty stomach eliminates waste accumulated in the kidneys, stimulating the expulsion of toxins through the urine.

It hydrates the lymphatic system

Drinking water on an empty stomach is one of the keys to hydrating the lymphatic system and avoiding straining the suprarenal gland, which is responsible for producing cortisol, a hormone that helps the body respond to stress.

It improves digestion

If you drink water on an empty stomach, you will stimulate your digestive system, helping it to release toxins, improve bowel movement, and prepare to receive food and do its digestion work.

It speeds up the metabolism

Water consumption is one of the keys to ensuring proper functioning of the renal system. Its mission is to transform fat into energy, and to prevent it from accumulating in the body.

When we don’t drink enough water, the liver does this task. It can then suffer from various diseases and lead to a general slowing down of the metabolism.

It improves physical performance

Water consumption is very important to ensure the lubrication of joints, muscles and ligaments.

It is recommended to drink water every morning to hydrate the body. But also to give it energy on a daily basis.

People who play sports or exercise on a regular basis should increase their water intake. Thus, they will be able to recover the fluids lost during their training.

It prevents urinary tract infections

fasting water

Drinking water on an empty stomach reduces the risk of suffering from urinary tract infections, such as cystitis for example.

When a person is dehydrated, and their kidneys are not getting enough fluid, there is a great risk that a urinary tract infection will occur.

It fights water retention

Fluid retention is a problem that excess sodium in the body causes, along with other factors related to diet.

Drinking water facilitates the elimination of accumulated fluids in the body. This helps to reduce inflammation in the body and prevent the occurrence of various pathologies.

It reduces many pains

Water consumption is associated with the reduction of symptoms and pains specific to pathologies. For example arthritis, heart conditions like tachycardia, asthma, bronchitis, kidney problems, constipation, PMS or migraines, among others.

It regulates body temperature

Drinking water on an empty stomach helps regulate body temperature. This has the effect of improving the transport of nutrients and oxygen to the cells.

Do not forget !

  • The benefits of water on an empty stomach are incredible, but they are not enough.
    Indeed, it is important to drink at least two liters of water per day. In addition, you must drink throughout the day, to enjoy the benefits of this vital element.
  • However, you should not consume too much water, as this may adversely affect the functioning of your kidneys.
    While water is great for the body, excess water can lead to overhydration and kidney dysfunction. 
  • A good solution to not exceed your daily water consumption, is to remember this formula: divide your weight by 30 to get the amount of water you need to drink in liters.
    A person who weighs 60 kilos should therefore drink approximately 2 liters of water per day.

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