4 Recommendations For Relieving Lumbago

The majority of adults have experienced low back pain at least once in their life.

These remedies can help us relieve lumbago in specific cases. If it is a chronic problem, it is best to consult a specialist in order to receive a diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

The majority of adults have had back pain at least once in their lifetime.

It is nothing more than pressure at the base of the spine, mainly located in the area between the waistband and the buttocks.

This problem is one of the most common in the world, but it is overtaken by the flu.

Lower back pain affects both men and women, but especially people who have a sedentary lifestyle, or on the contrary, who exercise too much.

In young people, the injury mainly results from excess weight on the back due to school backpacks, not sitting correctly or being in bad positions for too long.

Find out how to relieve lumbago.

The causes of lumbago

Here are some specific causes of this problem:

Lifting too much weight

person weighing himself

When a person lifts more weight than they can, the muscles tighten too much and tend to produce severe pain in the lower back area.

False movements

Lower back pain due to wrong movements tends to go away without any treatment.

The problem being that, although it is fleeting, it tends to have a strong impact on the body the moment it occurs.

Infection of the spine

Diseases like disquitis, osteomyelitis and abscesses can also be the cause of this problem.


The malformation of the spine is known as scoliosis. It is located at the dorsal, cervical or lumbar levels.

The disease can occur at any age, but symptoms tend to appear in adulthood.


person who suffers from a herniated disc

It is also a type of defect that can cause lower back pain when the discs of the lower vertebrae are out of place.

In these cases, they can even put pressure on the spinal nerves.

  • The professional solution to alleviate this problem in extreme cases is surgery.
  • Some people also use physiotherapy, rehabilitation and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs to reduce pain.

Some treatments to relieve lumbago from home

It is good to note that in mild cases we can relieve back pain with the exercises and home remedies that we present to you below:

  1. Massage with a ball

The process is simple.

  • Just lie down on a flat surface and place a medium-sized ball – which fits in your hand – under your buttocks.
  • Then perform slow, deep movements from side to side.
  • To work more on the surface, it is recommended to change your position and, the more the exercise goes, the more you will have to stand to the side.

This massage is used to treat the buttocks area, an area that is under constant tension due to our postures, as we spend too much time sitting and not doing enough physical exercises.

Thanks to the therapy, you will not only be able to avoid lower back pain but also other problems such as fibromyalgia points, pyramidal syndrome or pelvic-trochanteric muscles.

2. Lumbar self-massage with a stick

lumbar self-massage

The first thing to do is find a stick long enough to cover the waist of the back. You can use a broomstick for example.

  • Take the stick and slide it along the column, up and down, slowly and deeply.
  • Then distribute all the force on one side, from the inside to the outside and then move on to the other side.

With this exercise, you will relax the back muscles. It acts as a treatment for lumbar injuries. Perfect for relieving lumbago.

Remember to perform the massage in a deep and intense way. The stick is used to exert the pressure that the hands cannot generate.

3. Milk and cabbage

Even if you find it hard to believe, cabbage can help relax your back. As it is a cold vegetable, its components serve to relax the muscles.

  • To prepare this remedy and eliminate lower back pain, you need to put a cabbage into a container with milk and leave for at least 5 minutes.
  • Clean the lumbar area well before applying this mixture then place the cabbage all over the area and leave it to act for 15 minutes.
  • Finally, take a lukewarm water bath to relax.

4. Parsley and salt

parsley and salt

  • In a container with enough lukewarm water, add a few sprigs of parsley and a teaspoon of salt.
  • Place the parsley sprigs one by one on the area affected by lumbago and leave on for 20 minutes.
  • Using a towel, remove all the parsley sprigs then clean and relax the area with isopropyl alcohol.

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