3 Easy Ways To Burn More Calories In Your Next Workout

Burning more calories is easier than we think. Achieving this goal depends on factors such as time of day, speed of training, frequency, intensity, and how we hydrate.

The goal of participating in physical activity and subjecting the body to an intense workout session is, to a large extent, to burn calories. We all know that it’s not just about keeping fit. If you want to burn more calories, you can do it with these simple tips. Discover and apply them, and you will notice the difference.

Exercise in the morning

a young woman does floor exercise during her workout

Exercising in the morning is much healthier and more effective. Some studies show that people who exercise in the morning manage to work harder and for longer periods of time.

This may be because in the morning we are more alert and energetic, unlike in the afternoon after a long day. Also, the number of times you run each week will help increase the amount of calories you burn while exercising.

So, ideally, your goals are aligned with how often you go out for a run. But if you want to increase the amount of calories burned, you will need to increase the pace of physical activity.

Keep in mind that taking these principles into account in your training plan will lead to better weight loss results. In addition, you will get better results with a faster running pace.

Increase the repetitions and speed of the workout

The more intense and faster the workout, the more calories are expended. There are notable differences between walking and running. This difference is also noticeable in the event that you alternate the two.

The length of your workout has a direct effect on the amount of calories you burn. If you want to increase the number of calories, you must gradually increase the distance traveled.

All this will result in a longer duration of your workouts. Include at least one weekly session that is longer than the others in your training plan. This way, you will be able to burn more calories and produce multiple physiological changes in your body.

Go for cardiovascular exercise, but not only!

Keep in mind that cardiovascular exercise is not enough for weight loss. Remember, the more muscle mass you have, the easier it is to burn calories.

Therefore, it is essential to choose a workout that includes not only aerobic exercise but also weight lifting .

Drink very cold water

Make sure the water you drink is very cold. In addition, it is strongly recommended to swallow it quickly and almost frozen. It is advisable to drink 8 glasses of water throughout the day. Each glass you drink will burn you up to 25 calories.

When the liquid is cold, your body has to make a greater effort to warm it up. It burns more calories as well.

Maintain an intensive exercise routine

In addition, you can perform a daily exercise routine of about 15 minutes. To be effective, it is preferable that it be very intense, which will allow you to lose up to 100 calories.

It is advisable to combine five minutes of various exercises such as treadmill running, cycling or the elliptical. Remember to spend five minutes doing push-ups, tricep extensions, and side and vertical raises.

Then continue with five minutes of alternating training, switching from strength training to the treadmill, for example. Finally, spend three minutes strengthening the lower muscles with squats and lunges.

Other recommendations to burn more calories

Do not sit for more than two hours at a time

A young woman is working on her computer

If you have a tendency to do this, you should change this bad habit as soon as possible. For example, you should consider getting up from time to time to walk to the desk, or changing your chair.

If you can, replace your office chair with a gymnastic ball. Something as simple as this will help you burn around 50 calories per hour, as it will allow you to use all of your muscles, both large and small.

Do series exercises

Serial exercise can be another great option for burning more calories. Perform 3 sets of 10 to 15 repetitions, with rest times ranging from 20 to 30 seconds.

With these recommendations, you will get optimal results and in a very short time. Just try them out. 

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