Remedy To Reduce Abdominal Fat And Water Retention

Ginger helps us burn fat because it speeds up the metabolism and makes us feel full. Cinnamon raises the temperature of the body, thus producing the same effect.

Who does not have this small accumulation of fat in the belly ? Discover our tips for reducing your body fat.

Indeed, it is something very normal, especially in women, because our body tends to store fat in this area, but also liquids that we do not eliminate properly.

Would you like to know a simple little remedy that will change your life? So read this article!

Simple remedies to reduce belly fat and eliminate fluids

Infusion to reduce fat

Want to kill two birds with one stone? Eliminate liquids and also reduce fat? This is what we offer you!

But that has nothing to do with any miracle. It is simply a natural remedy, which you can follow every day. Because often the basics are the ones that work the best, especially in the case of herbal remedies.

Surely you are wondering which herbal remedies help reduce fat? Find out and take note:

  • Dandelion:  it is indeed one of the most effective medicinal plants for reducing fat. So, according to experts, the most powerful part for us to lose weight is the dandelion root.

You can find it in specialty stores, and it will do you a lot of good. As a general rule, this plant, in addition to being a great detoxifier capable of taking care of our kidneys and our liver, also allows us to stimulate purification and urine production.

It thus de-inflames the stomach, reduces blood sugar levels, reduces fat and also boosts our immune system. What more ?

Following remedies

  • Fresh chopped ginger:  you already know the multiple benefits of ginger for reducing fat, purifying the body and also preventing inflammation.

In addition, according to the University of Maastricht, this medicinal plant helps speed up the metabolism and, therefore, burn fat.

Ginger also gives us a quick feeling of fullness, which is great for starting the day.

  • Cinnamon  : Did you know that cinnamon is perfect for reducing fat and losing weight?

As well as being delicious and pairing ideally in multiple dishes and infusions, cinnamon also works very effectively in lowering blood sugar levels, so as to prevent insulin spikes or drops.

In addition, cinnamon increases the temperature of the body, producing chemical reactions that accelerate its metabolism. The excess calories will then be burned during the thermogenic process.

  • Mint:  Do you like the delicious flavor of mint? Its medicinal properties are indeed very suitable for reducing fat, stimulating gastric functions, increasing digestive metabolism, boosting fat production and improving the functioning of the gallbladder, which then produces more bile secretion.

1. How to prepare this remedy to reduce abdominal fat?

remedy with ginger

You will only need the following ingredients and quantities:

  • A spoonful of dandelion root
  • A spoonful of chopped fresh ginger
  • A stick of cinnamon
  • 5 mint leaves
  • A glass and a half of water
  • Two spoonfuls of honey

2. How to prepare and consume this remedy?

woman with flat stomach

It is very simple. Drink the remedy three times during the day, three days a week.

The first dose will be taken in the morning on an empty stomach, as soon as you wake up. Drink it lukewarm and on an empty stomach. It is important that all the ingredients are fresh. They are accessible to all wallets and you will have no problem finding them.

We especially recommend that you use dandelion root which, as we have already told you, is very powerful and allows you to lose weight easily.

The second intake will be after lunch, which will allow you to facilitate your digestion and to purify you in depth.

The third and last intake will be before going to bed, always lukewarm, neither very hot nor very cold. In addition, the mixture of honey, mint and ginger, will allow you to rest well.

It is not only an infusion to reduce fat, it is also an emulsifier and a tonic, a digestive remedy and very simple.


Make a decoction with all the ingredients in a glass and a half of water. Once the mixture boils, let it sit for ten minutes. Then, put your slimming infusion in a glass bottle and keep it at room temperature. Drink it, as we said before, three cups a day, three times a week.

As you already know, you must accompany this remedy with a suitable, balanced diet without bad fats.

Remember to exercise every day, even if just going out for half an hour a day for brisk walking.

If you go on this diet with someone, it will always be easier. And there you have it, now you know how to reduce your body fat. Are you going to try it?

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