Hypothyroidism: How To Take Care Of Your Thyroid

Hypothyroidism is a very common disease in women. Come and discover our tips for taking care of your thyroid on a daily basis!

Hypothyroidism is a disease of the thyroid which causes a decrease in the usual production of thyroid hormones. 

It is more common in women and its symptoms are multiple and very diverse. Commonly associated with weight gain, this problem is often treated with ineffective diets that lead to eating disorders that only make the disease worse.

When our metabolism slows down, many complications can ensue, hence the importance of detecting all the symptoms that derive from it and of following an adequate treatment prescribed by our doctor.

In this article, we’ll give you some basic guidelines for improving your vi quality. But keep in mind that it is only your doctor who is responsible for making decisions.

Hypothyroidism: the causes

  • The thyroiditis  is inflammation of the thyroid gland which then stops producing the normal hormone levels. It is more common in women and in people over 50.
  • Immune system disorders .
  • Certain medicines containing lithium.
  • Radioactive iodine is sometimes used in certain treatments.
  • Some abnormalities birth.

Hypothyroidism: symptoms and diagnosis


  • Weight gain: the metabolism slows down and causes retention of water, salt and fat… These symptoms should not be confused with those of menopause.
  • Feeling of fatigue, slowness …
  • Very profuse menstruation.
  • Pain in muscles and joints.
  • Pale, very dry skin.
  • Times of sadness.
  • Very fragile nails and hair.
  • Constipation.
  • Great sensitivity to cold.

If you failed to see a doctor and therefore did not take the correct treatment, other symptoms may appear. The following symptoms occur when hypothyroidism has been around for a long time:

  • Loss of taste and smell.
  • Swelling of the hands and feet.
  • The skin becomes thicker.
  • The eyebrows are losing their hair.

The diagnosis

  • Your doctor will do a blood test to check your thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) levels.
  • Rate cholesterol, blood count, sodium levels, prolactin and liver enzymes.

Taking care of your thyroid: the right diet

Infusions effective in treating hypothyroidism

Proper nutrition and medical treatment are essential for the thyroid to recover its normal production of TSH.


Iodine increases the production of thyroxine, which helps the thyroid to function properly. Iodine is found in fish, seafood, sea salt, iodized salt, and seaweed.

We still recommend not to abuse the consumption of seaweed, especially Bladder Wrack and Kelp, as they are often sold with too high a percentage of iodine, which could worsen your condition and produce antibodies.

Consume them in moderation. If you have any doubts about the quantities, seek the advice of your endocrinologist who will advise you of the doses necessary in your case.

Pistachios, walnuts, coconut, hazelnuts, lentils, tomatoes, apples, mangoes and pineapple are rich in iodine.

Foods rich in vitamin A

Here are some examples of foods rich in vitamin A: endives, clams, eggs, sweet potatoes, spinach, caviar, watercress, carrots, persimmon, medlar.

These foods will help you take care of your thyroid gland, skin, and hair.

Foods rich in vitamin B

Here are some examples of foods rich in vitamin A: sardines, anchovies, beef, chicken or lamb liver, oysters, mackerel, mussels, salmon, tuna, cod.

These foods are essential to strengthen the immunological system, the heart, the nervous system. ..

The fruits

Some fruits increase the production of thyroid hormones. This is the case with  pomegranate, grapes, oranges, lemons and figs.

Herbs effective in the treatment of hypothyroidism

  • Gentian. It increases the production of thyroid hormones. We mainly use its root which is macerated for two days. Then just filter and add a little honey. The ideal is to drink two cups a day.
  • The flower of passion. It fights insomnia problems, relieves pain, reduces melancholy… An infusion of this dried plant is excellent for improving one’s state of health.

Foods prohibited in case of hypothyroidism

Soy and its derivatives as well as tofu are contraindicated if one follows a treatment with levothyroxine.

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