6 Natural Remedies For Heartburn

Do you regularly suffer from heartburn? Find out here how to relieve and fight these ailments. Take notes !

Each time more people suffer from heartburn:  a third of the population suffers from it regularly. These stomach aches are often caused by stress and poor diet.

It should be remedied. Find out here which foods help reduce acidity in your stomach, and which natural remedies can help you relieve heartburn.

Heartburn: what is it?

The medical name is heartburn, but the term “heartburn” is commonly used. As the name suggests, this stomach ache causes a burning sensation in the esophagus.

Another common symptom of heartburn is a sour or bitter taste in the throat. Difficulty swallowing and pain when we eat or drink are other possible symptoms.

Factors that cause heartburn

Heartburn is caused by regurgitation of stomach acid. The pain is felt in the chest, but sometimes it spreads to the throat and jaw, or even the neck.

The most common factors that cause heartburn are:

  • alcohol
  • large meal
  • empty stomach
  • too fatty or too spicy food
  • pregnancy
  • old age (being over 60)
  • obesity

Some recommendations to avoid heartburn

It is recommended that you avoid certain irritating foods, such as coffee, alcohol, sauces, spices, and fried foods.

When symptoms appear, avoid lying down : lying down helps acids from the esophagus to move up to the throat.

If this happens to you regularly, see a doctor, as the factor causing your stomach upset could be an  ulcer. Otherwise, natural remedies will be perfect allies. Antacids available in pharmacies are also effective. 

Foods that help reduce acidity in the stomach

Banana relieves heartburn

  • Chewing gum. It increases the flow of saliva in the mouth and neutralizes gastric juices.
  • Ginger. It is a powerful tonic that you can take as an infusion to relieve your upset stomach.
  • The mustard. A teaspoon of mustard relieves symptoms.
  • The almonds.  A handful of almonds after a meal will prevent symptoms from appearing.
  • Baking soda. A teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of lukewarm water neutralizes the acidity. Drink slowly!
  • Oats.  In the form of flakes for breakfast, with milk or yogurt, oats make a perfect breakfast that will help you fight heartburn.
  • Potatoes.  Drink their juice.
  • The banana. It is advisable to eat one before or after the meal.
  • Apple cider vinegar.  A tablespoon of apple cider vinegar diluted in a cup of water is an effective remedy.
  • The melon. This fruit is great for reducing acidity in the stomach.
  • Fennel.  It promotes the digestive process and relieves burns.
  • Parsley. Incorporate fresh parsley in your dishes.
  • Papaya.  This fruit aids digestion and soothes the bothersome heartburn.
  • Apple.  The apple helps to digest food better.
  • Pineapple. This fruit is ideal after a heavy or hearty meal.
  • Cinnamon.  Cinnamon tea can soothe the burning sensation.

6 natural remedies to relieve heartburn

Boldo tea relieves heartburn

Try one of these natural home remedies to get rid of heartburn that occurs after a meal.

Vegetable juice

A juice made from lettuce leaves and carrots is an effective remedy. Mix a cup of water with two lettuce leaves and four carrots. It is recommended to drink the preparation on an empty stomach.

Absinthe tea

Dip a sprig of wormwood in a cup of boiling water. Cover the cup and let it rest. Drink the mixture before breakfast.

A boldo herbal tea

For each cup of water, boil a tablespoon of boldo leaves and an artichoke leaf. Let sit, strain, and drink a cup of this mixture every day for a month.

Basil herbal tea

Boil a liter of water with 15 g of dried basil. Let stand. Drink three cups a day after each meal.

A herbal tea made with sage and lemon verbena

Mix 30g of sage with 30g of lemon verbena. Then put a teaspoon of this mixture in a cup of hot water to prepare an infusion. Drink a cup of this herbal tea after the meal.

Olive oil and an egg white

Mix an egg white and two tablespoons of olive oil. Drink this mixture several times a day.

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