Artichoke And Grapefruit Drink For Slimming

Thanks to artichoke water, we can balance glucose levels and prevent eating disorders. Associated with grapefruit, it helps us speed up the metabolism and purifies us of toxins.

When dieting to lose weight, it is very important to lose weight without endangering your health. 

Many people who submit to these strict diets are often successful in losing pounds quickly.

But the problem is, this type of diet makes the skin saggy and doesn’t add muscle mass.

After a few weeks, they feel the famous “boomerang effect” and regain weight. It is not good at all. You should never fall into these extremes.

When we want to lose weight, it is always preferable to consult a doctor so that he assesses our particularities and our needs and that he gives us the basic rules.

We all know that there are no miracles and that in order to achieve a leaner body, we need willpower, a varied and balanced diet, and natural remedies.

Today in this article we want to tell you about an artichoke and grapefruit drink. It is a simple supplement to introduce into your diet. Are you ready to give it a try?

Benefits of artichoke and grapefruit water for weight loss

Both artichoke and grapefruit are foods which, when separated, are great natural sources of vitamins and minerals.

But one of the most effective remedies to speed up metabolism and help us purify fat is, without a doubt, water that comes from cooking an artichoke and combined with a citrus fruit.

Here it is possible to use grapefruit or lemon.

Let’s see in more detail how we can succeed in achieving this goal of losing weight:

  • Artichoke water provides us with inulin, a type of carbohydrate that allows us to keep glucose levels in a suitable balance.
  • Combining artichoke water with grapefruit helps us lower cholesterol which tends to build up in the intestines.
  • Both grapefruit and artichoke therefore purify the body and eliminate toxins.
  • This natural remedy is low in fat and rich in nutrients:
    • Group B vitamins
    • Vitamins C
    • Calcium
    • Vitamins D
    • Potassium
    • Sodium
    • Magnesium
    • Zinc
    • Sterols that regulate cholesterol
  • Artichoke water and grapefruit juice is a diuretic remedy that allows us to fight against water retention.
  • It indeed strengthens liver and kidney function. A well-functioning liver helps us purify fat better.
  • If we consume this artichoke and grapefruit drink for 10 days, we will succeed in speeding up the metabolism and a healthy supplement to our slimming diet.

How to prepare artichoke and grapefruit water to lose weightto slim down

Option 1


  • 2 artichokes
  • 2 grapefruits
  • 1 liter of water


  • Cook the two artichokes. Then fill a saucepan with a liter of water and cook until the artichokes are tender. Keep the water and reserve the artichokes that you can eat for dinner.
  • Then squeeze the two grapefruits and mix them with the artichoke water.
  • Put it in a glass bottle and set aside in a cool, sunless place. You can also put it in the fridge or consume it at room temperature.

Option 2


  • 2 artichokes
  • 2 grapefruits
  • 1 liter of water


  • The preparation is very similar with the only difference that in this case, you will add the grapefruit skins to the cooking. It is very simple and this mixture makes it possible to increase the vitamin value ingested even more.
  • As in the previous preparation, fill the pan with water then add the two artichokes. Meanwhile, squeeze the grapefruits and add the citrus peel to the pot.
  • Once they are cooked and soft, remove the grapefruit skins and the artichokes, to keep only the water.
  • Then add only the grapefruit juice you got at the start.

How to consume this preparation?

As we have indicated to you, this artichoke and grapefruit water should be consumed 10 days per month.

  • Start the day with a drink on an empty stomach.
  • The next one, take it 20 minutes before the central meal of the day.
  • In the afternoon, drink another cup.
  • Finally, take the last drink 20 minutes before your dinner.

Thanks to this natural remedy, you will benefit from better digestions and you will purify your organism by releasing the loads of lipids and fats which always tend to accumulate and which make us gain weight.

If you also have a varied and balanced diet, and you avoid a sedentary lifestyle, you will be able to lose weight in a healthy way. Are you ready to put them into practice?

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