How To Prevent Muscle Cramps

To prevent spasmic pain, it is recommended to consume more foods rich in magnesium and potassium. It is also necessary to stretch and massage the affected area.

Cramps can get very painful! We’re going to go over the foods, nutrients, and supplements that can help you prevent muscle cramps. At the same time, it will help you improve the condition of your muscles.

Muscle cramps are spasms that occur when a muscle involuntarily contracts. They mostly occur at night or after doing high-impact sports.


Whenever we talk about muscle health, we think of magnesium! It is a mineral which unfortunately is not often present in our food. Indeed, we have bad eating habits, and the quality of vegetables grown today is not very good.

Magnesium can be taken as a supplement in the form of chloride or citrate. You can also eat foods that contain it:

  • Green leafy vegetables
  • Cocoa
  • Dried fruits
  • Peas
  • Lawyer
  • Complete rice
  • Banana

How to prevent muscle cramps: magnesium


Potassium is another mineral that our muscles need the most! This mineral is in equilibrium with sodium. And as the latter is very often present on our plates, potassium is put aside.

What foods are rich in potassium?

  • Tomato
  • Banana
  • Wheat germs
  • Dried fruits
  • Potatoes
  • Rhubarb
  • Melon

How to prevent muscle cramps: potassium

Every day we need to consume a necessary amount of magnesium and potassium, as well as other minerals. There is a good way to make sure you get this daily intake. All you need to do is make a salad every day with green vegetables, dried fruits, sunflower seeds, sesame seeds and sprouts.

We can also use raw garlic to flavor our dishes!

Natural supplements to prevent muscle cramps

  • The tincture of viburnum : The tincture of the viburnum shrub is a plant option that allows us to fight against muscle cramps. We will take a teaspoon in water up to 3 times a day.
  • Butcher’s Broom: The butcher’s broom is a plant that helps us improve circulation. It therefore helps us to prevent cramps! Take 7-11 mg of butcher’s broom extract each day.
  • Rosemary: A powerful circulatory remedy such as rosemary cannot be overlooked among the remedies!

Cold showers on the legs

Hydrotherapy or treatment with water at different temperatures can be very helpful in improving circulation! In this case, we can use cold water. With the shower jet, we will have to follow the following route:

  1. Go up on the outside of the right leg.
  2. Descend from the inside of the right leg.
  3. Go up on the outside of the left leg.
  4. When we reach knee height, we spend a moment on the right knee, then we return to the left knee to continue to the bottom.
  5. If you can, you have to do the same route on the back of the legs. No need to change the knees.
  6. When drying our legs, we will use a rough towel and rub the skin a little, from top to bottom.

Exercises, stretches and massages

Exercising is just as important as eating! You have to do daily exercises that are not aggressive, such as walking, swimming, or cycling. We must also perform muscle stretching before and after our physical activities.

Finally, you can also massage the areas where you are used to having muscle cramps. The best is to go see a physiotherapist or an osteopath. You can also do the massages yourself if the area allows it.

To do this, we will use sesame oil for the base. Then add a few drops of essential oils from the following plants: witch hazel, rosemary, butcher’s broom or vine.

Once the massage is finished, cover everything with a terry towel then let the muscle rest for 15 minutes. This is a good way to keep the heat in the area.

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