Diet And Exercise: The Keys To A Dream Body

Be careful not to overdo it, but the combination of a balanced diet and regular physical exercise is the basis for losing weight, to tone you up and build you a dream body.

A balanced diet and regular exercise are the perfect combination to achieve the dream body you want. Enough of “miracle” diets and slimming products or formulas for the treatment of overweight.

Nowadays, a lot of effort is being made to educate everyone about the importance of these healthy habits. Even if it is a bit difficult to adopt them as a new way of life, their practice has many benefits for both the figure and the health.

While there are many myths surrounding these issues, those who manage to strike a balance between the two have seen satisfactory results, and most importantly permanent results, in terms of shedding those “extra” pounds.

Have you set yourself this goal? Are you struggling to tone your body? Find out what you need to consider in order not to fail in this program and have a great body.

Balanced diet

A balanced diet for a dream body.

Eating habits are the key to any plan for a healthy body. Good nutrition stimulates the processes involved in weight loss, such as the activity of the metabolism or the digestive system.

For this reason, it is important to adopt a balanced diet, control calories and match the amount of nutrients to the daily needs of the body.

Why should we not give in to extreme diets? Although they can provide real, but short-term, results against being overweight, they subsequently produce a rebound effect that makes you gain the pounds lost in no time.

They lack essential nutrients and create a health risk, especially when a person is suffering from an illness.

How to set up a balanced diet?

A balanced diet is based on an appropriate combination of macronutrients and micronutrients essential to the body. It must take into account the person’s state of health, body weight and general lifestyle.

Its main characteristics are as follows:

  • A combination of varied and healthy foods
  • Five or six small meals a day
  • Fixed times for each meal
  • Little or no consumption of saturated fat, trans fat, sugar and sodium
  • A full breakfast with calories equivalent to 25% of daily needs
  • Increased consumption of fruits, vegetables and whole seeds
  • Daily consumption of water and healthy liquids (juices, infusions, etc.)
  • Healthy cooking methods, like steaming or baking, instead of frying in oil

Exercise for a dream body

Physical exercise for a dream body.

Scientific studies have shown that the most effective way to supplement the diet is exercise. Combining them improves weight loss and increases physical and mental well-being.

The most effective habit for shedding body fat is physical exercise. Its daily practice increases energy expenditure, shapes the body and optimizes the functions of vital organs.

Aerobic exercise is the most effective way to burn calories, according to studies from the Mayo Clinic. However, in general, it is best combined with strength activities or anaerobic exercises.

Tips for starting to exercise

Lack of time and multiple occupations are common excuses for not exercising regularly. Many limit themselves to the idea that you can only reap its benefits with a professional exercise routine.

The truth is, there are plenty of opportunities to incorporate this healthy habit into your lifestyle. In fact, it is not necessary to use professional equipment, nor does it require too many hours in the day.

  • Spending 20 to 30 minutes a day is enough to improve your figure and your weight.
  • The exercise can be done in the morning, just before the start of the other activities of the day.
  • While the gym has many benefits, there are dozens of routines that can be practiced at home or in public spaces.
  • It is not mandatory to limit yourself to a single training plan: pilates, yoga, zumba or running are alternative ways to enjoy the benefits of sport.

Rest: the complement for a dream body

Rest for a dream body.

To have a top or “magazine” body, one must not neglect another pillar that complements the benefits of diet and exercise: rest.

In every plan for a healthy lifestyle, there needs to be a guideline to give your body a good nights sleep and rest as well. Nothing should be taken to extremes, not even physical activity.

  • It is not good to have a grueling routine every day. If exercise is a daily plan, low impact activities are needed once or twice a week.
  • The period of sleep should not be less than 7 hours a day without interruption. Sleeping less promotes weight gain, lowers energy levels and affects concentration.

Are you looking to achieve a slim and healthy figure? Beware of excess! Adopt these simple habits as your new lifestyle and check that they are the most effective way to achieve a dream body.

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